- 摘要
- 摘要
发布会由预测中心副主任王珏主持,预测中心主任汪寿阳研究员和科学出版社副总编辑陈亮分别致辞。预测中心副主任杨翠红研究员代表预测中心发布了主要预测结果:预计2021年我国经济将快速回升,全年GDP增速为8.5%左右;固定资产投资增速在7.0%左右;最终消费支出同比名义增速在10.7%至11.7%之间;进出口总额(以美元计价)同比增长约为5.7%;CPI涨幅约为1.1%;CRB商品期货价格指数均值在171左右,同比上涨约15.5%; WTI原油期货均价在48.8美元/桶左右,同比上涨约23.6%;我国粮食产量将小幅度增产;棉花产量将持平;如果后期天气正常,预计油料产量将持平略增;全国商品房平均销售价格将保持平稳,房地产开发投资完成额增速、商品房销售面积增速和房屋新开工面积增速均比2020年有所回升;我国农村居民人均可支配收入将达到18553元,实际增速为8.3%左右;规模以上工业增加值同比增长9.3至9.9%,呈现稳步复苏态势;中国物流业景气指数LPI全年平均为51.17%,物流行业市场规模将持续扩张,社会物流总额为312.3万亿元;我国需水总量约为5980.6亿立方米,比2020年略减。
- 摘要
袁亚湘 院士 (中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院)
罗智泉 院士 (香港中文大学(深圳))
徐宗本 院士 (西安交通大学)
范剑青 院士 (美国普林斯顿大学)
陈小君 教授 (香港理工大学)
张青富 教授 (香港城市大学)
叶荫宇 教授 (美国斯坦福大学)
林宙辰 教授 (北京大学)
周志华 教授 (南京大学)
胡晓东 教授 (中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院)
A. Ruszczyński(Rutgers University,USA)
杨新民 教授 (重庆师范大学)
郭田德 教授 (中国科学院大学)
戴彧虹 教授 (中科院数学与系统科学研究院)
修乃华 教授 (北京交通大学)
闫桂英 教授 (中科院数学与系统科学研究院)
陈志平 教授 (西安交通大学)
孙建永 教授 (西安交通大学)
杨树森 教授 (西安交通大学)
鲁红亮 教授 (西安交通大学)
薛 江 教授 (西安交通大学)
李 辉 教授 (西安交通大学)
1. 人工智能基本模型及方法讲习班(30学时 负责人:孙建永)3月21-27日
课程一:深度学习 (主讲人:孙剑 西安交大)
课程二:强化学习 (主讲人:俞扬 南京大学)
课程三:元学习 (主讲人:孟德宇 西安交大)
2. 人工智能中相关的最优化方法讲习班(30学时 负责人:杨新民、孙建永、李辉) 4月下旬
课程一:非凸优化理论与方法(主讲人:张立卫 大连理工)
课程二:模拟演化计算(主讲人:周爱民 华东师范大学、唐珂 南方科技大学)
课程三:分布式优化方法与应用(主讲人:刘歆 中科院数学与系统科学研究院)
1. 化问题的人工智能方法(召集人:杨新民、孙建永、李辉)5月研讨内容:聚焦面向连续优化、离散优化和多目标优化等问题中的优化理论与算法设计,以期发展基于人工智能的新型优化算法。
2. 离散优化问题的类AlphaGo算法(召集人:郭田德、王卫、鲁红亮)6月研讨内容:聚焦实际应用中亟待解决的离散优化问题,特别是基于机器学习方法求解各类NP-困难组合优化问题的理论和算法,以期设计类AlphaGo算法。
3. 强化学习与优化方法 (召集人:陈志平、刘嘉)7月下旬研讨内容:聚焦强化学习与随机优化的融合,围绕随机优化的自适应学习方法、强化学习的理论基础和方法等前沿学术问题展开讨论,以期构建自适应的智能随机优化方法。
4. 典型领域中的优化问题及方法(召集人:罗智泉、杨树森、 薛江)10月研讨内容:聚焦通信网络系统中的复杂优化问题,如资源调配、网络布网优化、路径规划、多用户系统预编码等,以期设计出优化算法框架和高效算法。
5月7-10日 2021兰州最优化方法与组合算法国际研讨会5月29-30日 非凸优化与分布式优化的理论、算法及应用国际研讨会
6月 statistical learning methods in modern AI
7月 自主优化算法及其进展
7月 深度学习与偏微分方程数值解
7月22-24日 群智能与最优化方法研讨会
8月13-13日 智能优化方法与智慧黄河建设
9月3-5日 网络优化、图结构与组合算法研讨会
11月 基于元学习方法的而模拟演化优化
1. 基于人工智能的模拟演化算法;国际合作专家:张青富 教授(香港城市大学)
2. 机器学习与随机优化的融合。国际合作专家:Huifu Xu (香港中文大学)Alois Pichler(德国开姆尼茨工业大学)
联系人:白佳宁 西安交通大学
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3月27-28日 非线性分析与反应扩散方程国际研讨会
4月24-25日 非线性偏微分方程与几何分析研讨会
8月18-20日 基于数据与模型的重大传染病研究研讨会
6月26-28日 数学与交叉学科发展论坛
7月9-11日 EDA工具的算法与理论研讨会
7月12-31日 中西部高校非数学专业数学基础课教师研修班
7月16-18日 高位数据变点分析与小域估计国际研讨会
9月19-26日 中国-捷克流体力学中的数学问题国际学术会议
10月下旬 2021年微分几何青年论坛
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URL: https://staff.ul.ie/natalia/inaf
The Irish Numerical Analysis Forum (INAF) is a new initiative where experts from various countries give talks on their subject areas that are suitable for a general numerical analysis audience -- not just those who already have some familiarity with the topic of the talk.
The series starts on 21-Jan-2021; more info, including a list of the first 6 speakers and instructions for registering your name and email address, are given at the INAF website at
The talks will be streamed online via zoom and are free to view; one must however register in advance with INAF to gain access to them. We will usually have one talk every two weeks, but the talk timetable may vary from this.
A registration puts you on our mailing list for receiving zoom links for all talks.
- 摘要
Deep learning is profoundly reshaping the research directions of entire scientific communities across mathematics, computer science, and statistics, as well as the physical, biological and medical sciences . Yet, despite their indisputable success, deep neural networks are known to be universally unstable. That is, small changes in the input that are almost undetectable produce significant changes in the output. This happens in applications such as image recognition and classification, speech and audio recognition, automatic diagnosis in medicine, image reconstruction and medical imaging as well as inverse problems in general. This phenomenon is now very well documented and yields non-human-like behaviour of neural networks in the cases where they replace humans, and unexpected and unreliable behaviour where they replace standard algorithms in the sciences.
The many examples produced over the last years demonstrate the intricacy of this complex problem and the questions of safety and security of deep learning become crucial. Moreover, the ubiquitous phenomenon of instability combined with the lack of interpretability of deep neural networks makes the reproducibility of scientific results based on deep learning at stake.
For these reasons, the development of mathematical foundations aimed at improving the safety and security of deep learning is of key importance. The goal of this workshop is to bring together experts from mathematics, computer science, and statistics in order to accelerate the exploration of breakthroughs and of emerging mathematical ideas in this area.
This ICERM workshop is fully funded by a Simons Foundation Targeted Grant to Institutes.
Apply today! https://icerm.brown.edu/events/htw-21-ssdl/
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URL: https://link.springer.com/journal/11464/volumes-and-issues/15-6
The (b,c)-inverse in semigroups and rings with involution
Xiaofeng Chen, Jianlong Chen
Largest signless Laplacian spectral radius of uniform supertrees with diameter and pendent edges (vertices)
Cunxiang Duan, Ligong Wang, Peng Xiao
Local regularity properties for 1D mixed nonlinear Schr?dinger equations on half-line
Boling Guo, Jun Wu
Properties of Berwald scalar curvature
Ming Li, Lihong Zhang
Multiple P-cyclic symmetric closed characteristics on compact convex P-cyclic symmetric hypersurfaces in $R^{2n}$
Hui Liu, Hui Zhang
On intervals and sets of hypermatrices (tensors)
Saeed Rahmati, Mohamed A. Tawhid
Existence and multiplicity results for nonlinear Schrodinger-Poisson equation with general potential
Yuan Shan
Flag-transitive $2-(v, 5, λ)$ designs with sporadic socle
Jiaxin Shen, Shenglin Zhou
Uniform supertrees with extremal spectral radii
Wen-Huan Wang, Ling Yuan
Integrable systems, multicomponent twisted Heisenberg-Virasoro algebra and its central extensions
Yemo Wu, Xiurong Xu, Dafeng Zuo
Variable integral and smooth exponent Besov spaces associated to non-negative self-adjoint operators
Jingshi Xu
Pure projective modules and FP-injective modules over Morita rings
Meiqi Yan, Hailou Yao
Super-biderivations of not-finitely graded Lie superalgebras related to generalized super-Virasoro algebras
Zhuo Zhang, Jixia Yuan, Xiaomin Tang
Mean-field type forward-backward doubly stochastic differential equations and related stochastic differential games
Qingfeng Zhu, Lijiao Su, Fuguo Liu, Yufeng Shi, Yong'ao Shen, Shuyang Wang
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URL: https://www.aimsciences.org/journal/1930-8337/2021/15/1
IPI special issue on "mathematical/statistical approaches in data science" in the Inverse Problem and Imaging
Weihong Guo, Yifei Lou, Jing Qin and Ming Yan
Reproducible kernel Hilbert space based global and local image segmentation
Liam Burrows, Weihong Guo, Ke Chen and Francesco Torella
Automatic extraction of cell nuclei using dilated convolutional network
Rajendra K C Khatri, Brendan J Caseria, Yifei Lou, Guanghua Xiao and Yan Cao
Global convergence and geometric characterization of slow to fast weight evolution in neural network training for classifying linearly non-separable data
Ziang Long, Penghang Yin and Jack Xin
Some worst-case datasets of deterministic first-order methods for solving binary logistic regression
Yuyuan Ouyang and Trevor Squires
Stochastic greedy algorithms for multiple measurement vectors
Jing Qin, Shuang Li, Deanna Needell, Anna Ma, Rachel Grotheer, Chenxi Huang and Natalie Durgin
Fast algorithms for robust principal component analysis with an upper bound on the rank
Ningyu Sha, Lei Shi and Ming Yan
Adversarial defense via the data-dependent activation, total variation minimization, and adversarial training
Bao Wang, Alex Lin, Penghang Yin, Wei Zhu, Andrea L. Bertozzi and Stanley J. Osher
A new initialization method based on normed statistical spaces in deep networks
Hongfei Yang, Xiaofeng Ding, Raymond Chan, Hui Hu, Yaxin Peng and Tieyong Zeng
Fast non-convex low-rank matrix decomposition for separation of potential field data using minimal memory
Dan Zhu, Rosemary A. Renaut, Hongwei Li and Tianyou Liu
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URL: https://www.aimsciences.org/journal/1531-3492/2021/26/3
Global well-posedness of non-isothermal inhomogeneous nematic liquid crystal flows
Dongfen Bian and Yao Xiao
Pattern formation in diffusive predator-prey systems with predator-taxis and prey-taxis
Jinfeng Wang, Sainan Wu and Junping Shi
Global existence and exponential decay of strong solutions to the cauchy problem of 3D density-dependent Navier-Stokes equations with vacuum
Yang Liu
Convergence to the complex balanced equilibrium for some chemical reaction-diffusion systems with boundary equilibria
Gheorghe Craciun, Jiaxin Jin, Casian Pantea and Adrian Tudorascu
Bistability of sequestration networks
Xiaoxian Tang and Jie Wang
Dynamics of the QR-flow for upper Hessenberg real matrices
Joan Carles Tatjer and Arturo Vieiro
On Milstein-type scheme for SDE driven by Lévy noise with super-linear coefficients
Chaman Kumar
Approximation methods for the distributed order calculus using the convolution quadrature
Baoli Yin, Yang Liu, Hong Li and Zhimin Zhang
Diffusive limit to a selection-mutation equation with small mutation formulated on the space of measures
Azmy S. Ackleh and Nicolas Saintier
On discrete-time semi-Markov processes
Angelica Pachon, Federico Polito and Costantino Ricciuti
Cauchy problem for stochastic non-autonomous evolution equations governed by noncompact evolution families
Pengyu Chen, Yongxiang Li and Xuping Zhang
Attractors for FitzHugh-Nagumo lattice systems with almost periodic nonlinear parts
Amira M. Boughoufala and Ahmed Y. Abdallah
The Poincaré bifurcation of a SD oscillator
Yangjian Sun and Changjian Liu
On a terminal value problem for a system of parabolic equations with nonlinear-nonlocal diffusion terms
Vo Van Au, Mokhtar Kirane and Nguyen Huy Tuan
Ergodicity of stochastic damped Ostrovsky equation driven by white noise
Shang Wu, Pengfei Xu, Jianhua Huang and Wei Yan
Ground state homoclinic orbits for a class of asymptotically periodic second-order Hamiltonian systems
Ying Lv, Yan-Fang Xue and Chun-Lei Tang
Dynamic aspects of Sprott BC chaotic system
Marcos C. Mota and Regilene D. S. Oliveira
Finite element approximation of nonlocal dynamic fracture models
P. K. Jha and R. Lipton
A nonuniform anisotropic FEM for elliptic boundary layer optimal control problems
Hongbo Guan, Yong Yang and Huiqing Zhu
Existence results for fractional differential equations in presence of upper and lower solutions
Rim Bourguiba and Rosana Rodríguez-López
On the asymptotic behavior of solutions to time-fractional elliptic equations driven by a multiplicative white noise
Hoang The Tuan
- 摘要
URL: https://www.aimsciences.org/journal/1937-1632/2021/14/2
Thibaut Deheuvels, Antoine Henrot, El Haj Laamri, Alain Miranville, Jean Rodolphe Roche and Didier Schmitt
A brief tribute to pierre baras
Thibaut Deheuvels, Antoine Henrot, El Haj Laamri, Alain Miranville, Jean Rodolphe Roche and Didier Schmitt
Stationary reaction-diffusion systems in L1 revisited
El Haj Laamri and Michel Pierre
A generalization of a criterion for the existence of solutions to semilinear elliptic equations
Pierre Baras
On classes of well-posedness for quasilinear diffusion equations in the whole space
Boris Andreianov and Mohamed Maliki
The fast-sorption and fast-surface-reaction limit of a heterogeneous catalysis model
Björn Augner and Dieter Bothe
Instability of free interfaces in premixed flame propagation
Claude-Michel Brauner and Luca Lorenzi
Equipartition of energy for nonautonomous damped wave equations
Marcello D'Abbicco, Giovanni Girardi, Giséle Ruiz Goldstein, Jerome A. Goldstein and Silvia Romanelli
A mathematical model for marine dinoflagellates blooms
M. Dambrine, B. Puig and G. Vallet
Uniform-in-time bounds for quadratic reaction-diffusion systems with mass dissipation in higher dimensions
Klemens Fellner, Jeff Morgan and Bao Quoc Tang
A doubly splitting scheme for the Caginalp system with singular potentials and dynamic boundary conditions
Franck Davhys Reval Langa and Morgan Pierre
Variational solutions to an evolution model for MEMS with heterogeneous dielectric properties
Philippe Laurençot and Christoph Walker
Lipschitz stability for the growth rate coefficients in a nonlinear Fisher-KPP equation
Patrick Martinez and Judith Vancostenoble
Theoretical and numerical analysis of a class of quasilinear elliptic equations
Nahed Naceur, Nour Eddine Alaa, Moez Khenissi and Jean R. Roche
A semilinear heat equation with initial data in negative Sobolev spaces
Haruki Umakoshi
End of CAM Digest
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