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“鞍点问题的结构化预处理方法研讨会”于2013年3月30日至3月31日在上海交通大学召开。会议开幕式由上海交通大学数学系副系主任黄建国教授主持, 中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院石钟慈院士和上海师范大学郭本瑜教授做了热情洋溢的讲话。 黄建国教授还简要介绍了关于鞍点问题的应用背景、研究进展和发展现状。
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据《自然》网站消息,美国科学促进会近日任命美国地质调查局前局长玛西娅.纳特(Marcia McNutt)为新一任《科学》杂志主编。
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根据国家自然科学基金委员会(NSFC)与法国国家科学研究中心(CNRS)的双边合作协议,2014年双方将共同资助中法研究人员之间在合作研究基础上开展合作交流项目(Joint Projects)。
一、 项目资助额度及执行期限
本项目资助强度为不超过15万元/项,资助期限为3年。NSFC资助中国研究人员赴法的国际旅费(机票为经济舱)、法国研究人员来华的住宿费、伙食费、市内以及城市间交通费,专款专用。CNRS资助中国研究人 员在法的生活费和法国研究人员访华的国际旅费。项目执行期限为2014年1月1日至2016年12月31日。2010年至2012年,本项目平均每年获资助项目数为13项。
二、 申请要求
1. 中方申请人须是2014年12月31日(含)以后结题的三年期以上国家自然科学基金在研项目的主持人或主要参与人,并在该研究项目的依托下进行合作,合作内容与在研基金项目密切相关。
2. 中法双方申请人需分别向NSFC 和CNRS 递交项目申请,单方申请将不予受理。
3. 中方受资助人必须是依托基金项目课题组的成员,不包括学生。
4. 法方申请人要求请参考CNRS 网站:http://www.cnrs.fr/en/workingwith/PICS.htm。
三、 限项规定
1.本项目属于国际(地区)合作交流项目,不参与项目总数3 项查重。
2.中方申请人(不含参与者)同年只能申请1 项国际(地区)合作交流项目。
3.更多关于限项规定的说明,请见《2013 年度国家自然科学基金项目指南》。
详情请见:2014 年度国家自然科学基金委员会与法国国家科学研究中心3 年期合作交流项目指南
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改革开放以来,我国依靠自己的资源禀赋和比较优势,在经济上取得了连续多年的高速增长,进入了中等收入国家行列,综合国力显著提高。得益于此,我国财政科技支出连年稳步增加。2006年以来,我国R&D经费投入增速一直保持在20%以 上,2011年我国的R&D经费投入总量达到8687亿元,反映了政府、企业、研究机构和高等学校在重视科技方面所做出的不懈努力。这是我们树立科技自信的物质基础。
近几年来,我国的基础研究、应用研究和高技术研发都取得了历史性的长足进步,整体科研水平已经从过去“跟踪”国际一流同行的工作,到现在逐步实现与国际一流工作的“同行”,乃至在个别领域成功实现了“引领”。仅以2012年为例,我国科学家在 高温超导、中微子震荡、量子通信、诱导多功能干细胞等方向取得了一大批世界领先的研究成果;在关系到国计民生和国家安全等重点领域,取得了像载人航天、探月工程、载人深潜等方面的重大突破。另外,在基础研究领域,我国科研人员发表的国际论文总数已经连续多年稳居世界第2位,论文影响力也逐步提高;我国科技工作者的数量和质量也得到大幅提升,一大批优秀科研人才学成回国,本土人才培养体系也在逐步完善。这是我们树立科技自信的丰沃土壤。
要真正实现科技自信,科技工作者必须要树立“干大事”的信心和勇气,敢碰重大科学命题,要把致力于重大科技突破作为奋斗目标。近日,中科院物理所和清华大学组成的联合团队,成功实现了“量子反常霍尔效应”。这是中国科学家长期积累、独立完成的 重大科学突破,完美地贯穿了从理论研究到实验观测的全过程。我相信,这支研究团队在数年的攻关过程中,心中一定有着干大事的豪情作为支撑。
要真正实现科技自信,各类机构要充分尊重科技工作者在科研活动中的主体地位,要把高层次人才真心实意地当作第一资源看待。几十年前,小平同志就提出自己要做“科学家的后勤部长”。在今天,我们要致力于打造人才“宜居”型创新生态系统和科研“软环境”,在科技资源投入、效率配置等方面力争有所作为。例如,中国科学院近两年就启动实施了解决科研人员后顾之忧的3H工程 (Housing,Home,Health),保证科学家有五分之四的时间安心用于科研工作。
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1. Workshop on Geometric Analysis
2013. 6.3-7 宁夏大学 宁夏大学数学计算机学院/40 人 李东璘
2. The Tehird International Conference on Nonlinear Waves-theory and applications
6.12-15 北 京 中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院/120 人 胡星标
010-62627394 hxb@lsec.cc.ac.cn
3. The 6th International conference on Representation Theory
6.17-23 湖南张家界 湖南师范大学数学与计算机学院/100-120人 郭晋云
13975805855 gjy@hunnu.edu.cn
4. 2013 Pacific Rim Mathematical Association Congress
2013 环太平洋国际数学家大会
6.24-28 上海交大 上海交通大学数学系/800-1000人 李亚纯
13801841053 ycli@sjtu.edu.cn
5. 第七届海峡两岸图论和组合学学术会议
6.27-30 湖南长沙 湖南师范大学数学与计算机学院/400人 侯耀平
13187065832 yphou@hunna.edu.cn
6. 反问题理论与计算分析国际研讨会
7.19-21 太原理工大学 太原理工大学数学学院/50人 李 明
13653600949 Liming04@gmail.com
7. 第九届全国微分方程稳定性暨全国金融数学学术会议
7.20-25 延边大学 延边大学/200人 侯成敏 俞元洪
13844365211,13501326643,houchengming@yahoo.com.cn, Yu84845366@126.com
8. 现代分析数学及其应用国际会议
8.1-8.4 天津大学 天津大学理学院/100人左右 许跟起
13752614701 gqxu@tju.edu.cn
9. 泛函微分方程与控制理论国际研讨会
6.14-16 安徽大学 安徽大学数学科学学院/120左右 蒋 威
13956008258 jiangwei@ahu.edu.cn
10. 第五届全国计算机数学学术会议
8.18-22 长 春 吉林大学数学科学学院/180人 周代珍
010-62541834 dzhou@mmrc.iss.ac.cn
11. The 9th International Conference on Numerical Linear Algebra and Optimization
9.12-15 长 春 中科院数学与系统科学研究院/60-80人 吴继萍
010-62541804 wjp@lsec.cc.ac.cn
12. International Conference on Nonlinear and Multiscale Partial
Differential Equations : Theory, Numerics and Applications
9.15-20 上 海 非线性和多尺度偏微分方程国际会议 复旦大学中法应用数学研究所/50人
陆立强 021-65642346 malqlu@fudan.edu.cn
13. International Symposium on Domain Theory and its Applications ISDT’13
10.25-29 湖南大学 集贤宾馆 湖南大学/100人 李国庆
13707485601 0731-88822755 liqingguoli@yahoo.com.cn
14. 中国数学会2013学术年会
10.12-14 山 西 山西大学/200人 武建丽
010-62551022 cms@math.ac.cn
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(1) Towards the Locally Analytic Socle for GLn
Organizer: Ruochuan Liu
Venue: Room 82J04, Jiayibing Building, BICMR
Speaker: Christophe Breuil
Time: 4.29 - 5.11
Week 1: 11am-12am on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
Week 2: 11am-12am on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
General Abstract:
Let n be a positive integer. To any Hodge filtration with distinct Hodge-Tate weights on a diagonalizable generic n-diml representation of the Weil group of Qp, I will associate a semi-simple finite length locally analytic representation of GLn(Qp).
I will show several properties of this representation. For instance, if it has a lattice invariant under GLn(Qp), then the Hodge filtration is weakly admissible. The restriction to diagonalizable representations of the Weil group and to the base field Qp are only for simplicity.
Detailed schedule:
Lecture 1
1.1 Introduction and motivation
1.2 Quick review of locally analytic representations
We give a quick review of locally analytic representations of p-adic analytic groups and related material (mainly due to Schneider and Teitelbaum).
Lecture 2
2.1 Quick review of Verma modules
We review the BGG category O^p_alg and some of its most interesting objects:generalized Verma modules.
2.2 The representations F_P^G(M,pi_P) (after Orlik and Strauch)
We explain important results due to Orlik and Strauch which allow to understand the topological constituents of some locally analytic parabolic inductions.
Lecture 3
3.1 More on the representations F_P^G(M,pi_P)
We state, and sometimes prove, some useful statements about the representations F_P^G(M,pi_P).
3.2 Examples for GL2(Qp) and GL3(Qp)
We give the explicit socle fi ltration of some locally analytic principal series of GL2(Qp) and GL3(Qp).
Lecture 4
4.1 Necessary conditions for integrality
We give necessary conditions for the representations F_P^G(M,pi_P) to admit an invariant lattice (in the case of locally analytic parabolic inductions, these conditions are due to Emerton).
4.2 De finition of the representations pi(D,h)
We defi ne some locally algebraic representations pi(D,h) of GLn(Qp) and recall a (special case of a) conjecture of Schneider and myself predicting when they should admit an invariant lattice.
Lecture 5
5.1 Some preliminaries
We give several preliminaries which will be used afterwards to defi ne some semi-simple locally analytic representations pi(D,h,Fil ) containing pi(D,h).
5.2 De finition of the representations pi(D,h,Fil )
To any Hodge filtration Fil of Hodge-Tate weights h on a diagonalizable Deligne-Fontaine module D, we associate a fi nite length semi-simple locally analytic representation pi(D,h,Fil ) of GLn(Qp).
Lecture 6
6.1 The link with weak admissibility
We prove that if pi(D,h,Fil ) has an invariant lattice, then the Hodge filtration Fil on D is weakly admissible.
6.2 Examples for GL3(Qp) and open questions
We finish with the description of a few representations pi(D,h,Fil ) (with Fil weakly admissible) in the case of GL3(Qp), and with a few questions for possible future developments.
(2) Long-Term Special Program on Arithmetics and Geometry
Speaker: 陈华一, 田青春
Date: From 2013-05-02 To 2013-07-26
Venue: 北京国际数学研究中心 82J12 教室 | 北京国际数学研究中心全 9 教室
Geometric Measure Theory in Banach and Metric Spaces
Time: from 2013-5-2 to 2013-5-24, Thursday and Friday 14:00-16:30
Place: 北京国际数学研究中心全 9 教室
Speaker: Thierry De Pauw (Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu)
Abstract: The Plateau problem asks for an m-dimensional possibly singular variety minimizing its area among all those bounded by a given boundary cycle in some ambient space X. In case m=2 and X is the 3 dimensional Euclidean space, this problem was solved in the 1930's by J. Douglas and T. Rado independently, using methods of complex analysis that do not generalize for m>2. In the 1960's H. Federer and W.H. Fleming developed their theory of normal and integral currents and solved the problem for arbitrary m when X is Euclidean space or a compact Riemannian manifold. They identified a subclass of those currents in the sense of G. de Rham that is closed under some appropriate weak* convergence and contains oriented manifolds or polyhedra. This is the class of integral currents, suitable for the Calculus of Variations. The theory has been generalized in recent years to the case when the ambient space X is a (possibly infinite dimensional) Banach space or a metric space, and to the case of so-called flat chains with coefficients in an arbitrary complete normed Abelian group G. Including such groups allows for applications to immiscible fluids and irrigation problems, for instance. In case X is an Lipschitz neighborhood retract of some Banach spaces, the homology of flat chains with coefficients in G coincides with the singular homology of X. In this graduate level course I will present the modern theory of flat chains with coefficients in G, with emphasis on the ambient space being an arbitrary Banach space. The theory was initiated by H. Whitney; W.H. Fleming; B. White; L. Ambrosio and B. Kirchheim; and more recently by R. Hardt and the present lecturer. I will cover basic material emphasizing the approximation procedure of flat chains by polyhedral chains, and of Lipschitz maps by PL maps, thereby illustrating the analogy with simplicial homology. Completion with respect to the flat norm adds powerful tools from analysis. As an example, I will treat the theory of slicing, originating in differential topology. The main results are the deformation theorem, the compactness theorem, the slice-nullity theorem, and the rectfiiability theorem.
Transcendence theory and slope method
Time: from 2013-7-4 to 2013-7-26, Thursday and Friday 9:00-11:00
Place: 北京国际数学研究中心 82J12 教室
Speaker: Mathilde Herblot (Université Paris VII)
Abstract: The slope method, invented by J.-B. Bost is a way of rewriting classical proofs of transcendence theory and of understanding them more geometrically. This course will first present some classical results in Diophantine approximation and transcendence theory and their classical proofs. Then we will introduce the basic notions of Arakelov geometry which are needed to present the slope method. We will see how this slope method can be applied to some `evaluation maps' to obtain applications to Diophantine approximation and transcendence theory.
An introduction to Berkovich geometry
Time: from 2013-7-4 to 2013-7-26, Thursday and Friday 13:00-15:00
Place: 北京国际数学研究中心 82J12 教室
Speaker: Amaury Thuillier (Université Lyon I)
Abstract: There are many (complementary) ways to define and study analytic spaces over a non-archimedean field. A specific aspect of Berkovich's approach is to produce topological spaces of classical type: locally compact and locally arcwise connected, with the homotopy type of a polyhedron (at least if one considers the analytification of an algebraic variety). This connection with usual topology has a lot of useful consequences, and it is behind most of the many applications of Berkovich geometry.
Among them: 1) Arakelov geometry, 2) Non-archimedean dynamical systems, 3) Asymptotic properties of linear systems, 4) Weight zero phenomena in algebraic geometry, etc. The lectures should give a flavor of the general theory and a more detailed description of applications 1 and 4.
Introduction to rigid analytic geometry
Time: from 2013-7-4 to 2013-7-26, Thursday and Friday 15:30-17:30
Place: 北京国际数学研究中心 82J12 教室
Speaker: 李彬,张原草 (北京大学)
Abstract: In these lectures we will give an introduction to classical rigid analytic geometry along Tate's approach. We will begin from Tate algebras, introduce affinoid algebras and affinoid spaces, study their subdomains and coverings, proof Tate's acyclicity theorem, and construct general rigid spaces using Grothendieck topology, study the coherent modules on these spaces. We will also discuss the relationship between formal geometry and rigid geometry, i.e. the Raynaud theory, briefly. In final, we will compare the classical rigid spaces and Berkovich spaces.
- 摘要
(1) 系列讲座: Non-Linear Elliptic Equations in Conformal Geometry
报告人: Prof. Sun-Yung Alice Chang (Princeton University);
Prof. Paul Yang (Princeton University)
时 间: 2013年4月11日(星期四)上午9:00-11:00
地 点: 光华东主楼1801
简 介:
系列讲座: Non-Linear Elliptic Equations in Conformal Geometry
报告人: Prof. Sun-Yung Alice Chang (Princeton University)
Prof. Paul Yang (Princeton University)
时 间: April 11, Thursday, 9:00-11:00 AM
April 15, Monday, 9:00-11:00 AM
April 25, Thursday, 9:00-11:00 AM
May 2, Thursday 9:00-11:00 AM
May 6, Monday 9:00-11:00 AM
地 点: 光华东主楼1801
(2) 系列报告:An introduction to Cauchy-Riemann geometry
报告人: Professor Jih-Hsin Cheng (Institute of Mathematics, Academia Sinica, Taiwan)
时 间: 2013年4月18日(星期四)上午 9:00-10:00;2013年4月18日 (星期四)上午 10:10--11:10;2013年4月22日(星期一)上午 9:00-10:00;2013年4月22日(星期一)上午 10:10--11:10
地 点: 光华东主楼1801
简 介:
系列报告:An introduction to Cauchy-Riemann geometry
报告人:Professor Jih-Hsin Cheng (Institute of Mathematics, Academia Sinica, Taiwan)
(1) The fundamental work of Shiing-Shen Chern in 1974
(2) CR structures in dimension 3 and the Cartan flow
(3) Embeddability and a Paneitz-like operator
(4) Positivity of an ADM-like mass and the CR Yamabe problem
(5) P-mean curvature and the isoperimetric problem
时间:第一讲 2013年4月18日(星期四)上午 9:00-10:00
第二讲 2013年4月18日 (星期四)上午 10:10--11:10
第三讲 2013年4月22日(星期一)上午9:00-10:00
第四讲 2013年4月22日(星期一)上午10:10--11:10
- 摘要
任职条件:申请者用论文展示科研成就和潜能,并在入职前取得博士学位。申请材料: 1)中文或英文申请书;2)个人简历;3)发表或已接受发表的论文目录;4)至少两封推荐信;5)其它有利于申请职位的材料,如教学经历、获奖证书、任职通知等。
通讯地址:北京市海淀区颐和园路5号 北京大学数学科学学院;
Junior Faculty Positions in Mathematics
The School of Mathematical Sciences at Peking University has a strong commitment to the achievement of excellence in teaching and research, and is seeking applications for tenure track faculty positions.
Position Title: Assistant Professor of Mathematics
Duties & Responsibilities: mathematical research, undergraduate and/or graduate teaching, and departmental service. The teaching load is reduced to one course per year for the initial three (3) years.
Position Qualifications: Ph.D in Mathematics or related fields, strong research background and potential, good communication skills and an interest in teaching.
Salary and Benefits: RMB 120,000 yuans per year. An apartment adjacent to the campus is provided with subsidized rent. A start-up grant will be offered, in additional to the standard benefits for faculties at PKU, such as medical insurance, schooling for children, etc.
Term review and renewal: The first contract is for three years. The term shall be modified for two years if the midterm review is unsatisfactory. After the first three-year term, the appointee may request a renewal of the contract or a promotion to the rank of associate professor.
Application Materials should be submitted by email to yangy@math.pku.edu.cn, including(1) a signed cover letter, (2) a curriculum vitae, (3) a list of publications,(4) three reference letters, (5) a research statement and (possibly) a teaching statement,(6) related documents for awards and certificates.
Inquiries may be made to Ms. Yang Yang.
(Email: yangy@math.pku.edu.cn, Telephone: 86-10-62751800, Fax: 86-10-62751801, Mailing address: School of Mathematical Sciences, Peking University, 5 Yiheyuan Road, Haidian District, Beijing, 100871, CHINA.)
- 摘要
学科 专业、方向 岗位
流体力学 流体力学、环境流体力学、计算流体力学、渗流 讲师、副教授、教授
联系人:黄丹(副教授,E-mail: danhuang@hhu.edu.cn,Tel:13675107917)
丁全林(E-mail: dingquanlin@126.com, Tel: 15850755037)
传 真:025-83736860
联系地址:南京市西康路1号, 河海大学力学与材料学院
邮 编:210098
"Chai Zhao"
- 摘要
Nonlinear instability for nonhomogeneous incompressible viscous fluids
Fei Jiang, Song Jiang, GuoXi Ni
Sci China Math, 56(4), 2013, pp. 665-686
Existence and regularity of solutions to semi-linear Dirichlet problem of infinitely degenerate elliptic operators with singular potential term
Hua Chen, Peng Luo, ShuYing Tian
Sci China Math, 56(4), 2013, pp. 687-706
The boundedness for commutators of maximal hypersingular integrals with rough kernels
YanPing Chen, Yong Ding, Ran Li
Sci China Math, 56(4), 2013, pp. 707-728
Pointwise decaying rate of large perturbation around viscous shock for scalar viscous conservation law
ShiJin Deng, WeiKe Wang
Sci China Math, 56(4), 2013, pp. 729-736
Tensor products of ideal codes over Hopf algebras
J. M. Garcia-Rubira, J. A. Lopez-Ramos
Sci China Math, 56(4), 2013, pp. 737-744
A new proof for the correctness of the F5 algorithm
Yao Sun, DingKang Wang
Sci China Math, 56(4), 2013, pp. 745-756
Zygmund functions on the real line and quasiconformal deformations
YuLiang Shen, HongXia Liu, LiJun Wang
Sci China Math, 56(4), 2013, pp. 757-769
Kato's inequality and Liouville theorems on locally finite graphs
Li Ma, XiangYang Wang
Sci China Math, 56(4), 2013, pp. 771-776
Necessary and sufficient conditions for Lipschitz ergodicity and generalized ergodicity
ZuoHuan Zheng
Sci China Math, 56(4), 2013, pp. 777-787
Weak Orlicz spaces: Some basic properties and their applications to harmonic analysis
PeiDe Liu, MaoFa Wang
Sci China Math, 56(4), 2013, pp. 789-802
Similarity invariants of operators on a class of Gowers-Maurey spaces
LiQiong Lin, HuaiJie Zhong, YunNan Zhang
Sci China Math, 56(4), 2013, pp. 803-810
von Neumann algebras generated by multiplication operators on the weighted Bergman space:a function-theory view into operator theory
HanSong Huang
Sci China Math, 56(4), 2013, pp. 811-822
Convergence of weighted averages of noncommutative martingales
Chao Zhang, YouLiang Hou
Sci China Math, 56(4), 2013, pp. 823-830
Operator-valued martingale transforms in rearrangement invariant spaces and applications
Yong Jiao, Lian Wu, Mihai Popa
Sci China Math, 56(4), 2013, pp. 831-844
Some conditional results for conditionally strong mixing sequences of random variables
DeMei Yuan, Lan Lei
Sci China Math, 56(4), 2013, pp. 845-859
Learning rates of regularized regression on the unit sphere
FeiLong Cao, ShaoBo Lin, XiangYu Chang, ZongBen Xu
Sci China Math, 56(4), 2013, pp. 861-876
New semidefinite programming relaxations for box constrained quadratic program
Yong Xia
Sci China Math, 56(4), 2013, pp. 877-886
- 摘要
URL: http://www.springerlink.com/content/1673-3576/
Numerical solution of Volterra integral equations with singularities
Author(s): Marek Kolk, Arvet Pedas Page: 239-259
DOI: 10.1007/s11464-013-0292-z
Blow-up behavior of Hammerstein-type delay Volterra integral equations
Author(s): Zhanwen Yang, Hermann Brunner Page: 261-280
DOI: 10.1007/s11464-013-0293-y
Spectral methods for weakly singular Volterra integral equations with pantograph delays
Author(s): Ran Zhang, Benxi Zhu, Hehu Xie Page: 281-299
DOI: 10.1007/s11464-013-0282-1
An oracle inequality for regularized risk minimizers with strongly mixing observations
Author(s): Feilong Cao, Xing Xing Page: 301-315
DOI: 10.1007/s11464-013-0247-4
Mixed principal eigenvalues in dimension one
Author(s): Mu-Fa Chen, Lingdi Wang, Yuhui Zhang Page: 317-343
DOI: 10.1007/s11464-013-0229-6
Structured multi-way arrays and their applications
Author(s): Xu Kong, Yaolin Jiang Page: 345-369
DOI: 10.1007/s11464-013-0294-x
Limit theorems of continuous-time random walks with tails
Author(s): Yuqiang Li Page: 371-391
DOI: 10.1007/s11464-013-0275-0
Whittaker modules over loop Virasoro algebra
Author(s): Xuewen Liu, Xiangqian Guo Page: 393-410
DOI: 10.1007/s11464-012-0205-6
Finite-dimensional simple modular Lie superalgebra M
Author(s): Lili Ma, Liangyun Chen, Yongzheng Zhang Page: 411-441
DOI: 10.1007/s11464-012-0243-0
Superconvergence analysis of fully discrete finite element methods for semilinear parabolic optimal control problems
Author(s): Yuelong Tang, Yanping Chen Page: 443-464
DOI: 10.1007/s11464-013-0239-4
Multiple G-Ito integral in G-expectation space
Author(s): Panyu Wu Page: 465-476
DOI: 10.1007/s11464-013-0288-8
End of CAM Digest
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