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杜庆华院士病逝 中国力学学会唁函
唁 函
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First Announcement
Foundations of Computational Mathematics Conference
Hong Kong, June 2008
The next Foundations of Computational Mathematics conference will takeplace at the City University of Hong Kong in Hong Kong, China, on 16-26June 2008.
The conference, organised by the Society for Foundations of Computational Mathematics, is the sixth in a sequence that commenced with the Park City,Rio de Janeiro, Oxford, Minneapolis and Santander FoCM meetings.
The conference will follow a well-tested format: plenary invited lecturesin the mornings and theme-centred parallel workshops in the afternoons.
The FoCM conferences are designed to bring together workers in computational mathematics and theoreticians in mathematics and in computer science. While presenting plenary talks by foremost world authorities and maintaining the highest technical level in the workshops, the emphasis will be on multidisciplinary interaction across subjects and disciplines,in an informal and friendly atmosphere. We hope that it will be an opportunity to meet colleagues from different subject areas and identify the wide-ranging (and often surprising) common denominator of our research.
The preliminary website of the conference is at http://www.damtp.cam.ac.uk/user/na/FoCM/FoCM08/, where a list of the workshops and their organizers can be found. More information about FoCM and details of previous FoCM conferences can also be obtained there.
Mike Todd, Chair, FoCM
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“庆祝中国力学学会成立50周年大会暨中国力学学会学术大会‘2007”第一轮通知中国力学学会在钱学森、周培源、钱伟长、郭永怀等著名力学家的共同倡导和组织下,成立于1957年2月。在这50年中,中国力学学会团结全国力学工作者开展学术交流,在推动力学为国民经济建设服务,在促进学科繁荣,普及力学知识,开展力学教育,发现优秀力学人才等方面起了重要作用。为了回顾中国力学学会50年的发展历程,弘扬力学科学,展望新世纪力学的发展,中国力学学会准备在2007年8月20-22日在北京举行“庆祝中国力学学会成立50周年大会暨中国力学学会学术大会‘2007(CCTAM 2007)”。
1. 主会场组织回顾系列报告和反映力学学科及交叉学科研究最新进展、综述性的大会报告,并邀请部分国外杰出学者报告,报告由大会组织委员会约请;
2. 分会场由各学科专业委员会和工作委员会负责组织,建议各委员会将自己的系列会议融入到年会中,分会场的名称可以以专业委员会的系列会命名,报告全部为专题邀请报告,报告由分会场组织者约请和大会组织委员会审定;
3. 专题研讨会由各学科专业委员会和工作委员会组织专家申请和专家自由申请相结合,每个专题研讨会需要组织10篇以上报告(报告人应至少3个单位以上);
4. 征稿采取分会场和专题研讨会组织者组织与自由投稿相结合的方式;
5. 会上颁发中国力学学会青年科技奖、周培源力学奖、教育和科普奖等。
中国力学学会网站(http://www.cstam.org.cn )会及时发布下一轮通知,敬请关注。
地址:北京北四环西路15号 中国力学学会,邮编:100080
电子信箱:office@cstam.org.cn ,yntang@cstam.org.cn
2006年 7月18日
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Simulation of Multiphysics Multiscale Systems
4th International Workshop
in conjunction with the International Conference on Computational Science
May 27-30, 2007, Beijing, China
Simulation of multiphysics and multiscale (MPMS) systems poses a grand challenge to computational science. Most of the real-life systems, vital for industrial applications and academic research, involve interactions amongst a wide range of physical phenomena. In addition to that, the time and length scales of the individual processes involved often differ by orders of magnitude. Numerical simulation of these multiphysics and multiscale problems requires development of sophisticated models and methods for their integration, as well as efficient numerical algorithms and advanced computational techniques.
This workshop, being a follow-up to the highly successful events held at ICCS-2006 in Reading, UK, ICCS-2005 in Atlanta, USA and ICCS-2004 in Krakow, Poland, aims to bring together computational physicists, numerical specialists and computational scientists to push forward this challenging multidisciplinary research field.
Specific topics include (but are not limited to):
Modeling of multiphysics and/or multiscale systems. Of particular interest are: Monte Carlo methods, particle-based methods, mesoscopic models such as cellular-automata, lattice gas and lattice-Boltzmann methods, computational fluid dynamics and computational solid mechanics; Multiphysics and/or multiscale modeling of biological or biomedical systems.This includes computational models of tissue- and organo-genesis, tumor growth, blood vessels formation and interaction with the hosting tissue, biochemical transport and signaling, biomedical simulations for surgical planning, etc. Novel approaches to combine different models and scales in one problem solution; Challenging applications in industry and academia, e.g. time-dependent 3D systems, multiphase flows, fluid-structure interactions, chemical engineering, plasma physics, material science, biophysics, automotive industry, etc.; Advanced numerical methods for solving multiphysics multiscale problems; New algorithms for parallel distributed computing, specific to the field.
Important Simulation of Multiphysics Multiscale Systems
4th International Workshop
in conjunction with the International Conference on Computational Science
May 27-30, 2007
Beijing, China
Simulation of multiphysics and multiscale (MPMS) systems poses a grand challenge to computational science. Most of the real-life systems, vital for industrial applications and academic research, involve interactions amongst a wide range
of physical phenomena. In addition to that, the time and length scales of the individual processes involved often differ by orders of magnitude. Numerical simulation of these multiphysics and multiscale problems requires development
sophisticated models and methods for their integration, as well as efficient numerical algorithms and advanced computational techniques.
This workshop, being a follow-up to the highly successful events held at ICCS-2006 in Reading, UK, ICCS-2005 in Atlanta, USA and ICCS-2004 in Krakow, Poland,
aims to bring together computational physicists, numerical specialists and computational scientists to push forward this challenging multidisciplinary research field.
Specific topics include (but are not limited to):
Modeling of multiphysics and/or multiscale systems. Of particular interest
Monte Carlo methods, particle-based methods, mesoscopic models such as cellular-automata, lattice gas and lattice-Boltzmann methods, computational
fluid dynamics and computational solid mechanics; Multiphysics and/or multiscale modeling of
or biomedical systems.
This includes computational models of tissue- and organo-genesis, tumor growth,
blood vessels formation and interaction with the hosting tissue, biochemical
transport and signaling, biomedical simulations for surgical planning, etc. Novel approaches to combine different models and scales in one problem solution; Challenging applications in industry and academia, e.g. time-dependent 3D systems, multiphase flows, fluid-structure interactions, chemical engineering, plasma physics, material science, biophysics, automotive industry, etc.; Advanced numerical methods for solving multiphysics multiscale problems; New algorithms for parallel distributed computing, specific to the field.
Important dates
Short abstract (1 page): December 5, 2006
Full papersubmission: January 5, 2007
Notification of acceptance: February 3, 2007
Camera-ready papers: February 19, 2007
Early registration: March 30, 2007
Workshop Organizers:
Valeria Krzhizhanovskaya
University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
E-mail: valeria at science.uva.nl
Dr. Alfons Hoekstra
University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
E-mail: alfons at science.uva.nl
Dr. Shuyu Sun
Clemson University, USA
E-mail: shuyu at clemson.edu
Dr. Juergen Geiser
Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany
E-mail: geiser at mathematik.hu-berlin.de
Prof. Bastien Chopard
University of Geneva, Switzerland
E-mail: Bastien.Chopard at cui.unige.ch
Prof. Yuriy Gorbachev
St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University, Russia
E-mail: gorbachev at csa.ru
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Croucher Advanced Study Institute
Opportunities and Challenges for Physicists in Quantitative and Systemic Biology
December 4-9, 2006
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
This Croucher ASI is organized by the Department of Physics and Institute of Theoretical Physics of the Chinese University of Hong Kong and sponsored by The Croucher Foundation.
There have been rapid developments in biology in the last 10 years or so. The genomes of complex organisms, including the human genome, have been sequenced. This explosion of genetic information renders quantitative methods of investigation. Moreover, it is becoming clear that the understanding of a biological organism lies not only in its parts, like the genes and their resulting proteins, but more importantly in the understanding of the interaction of the parts, and how the functional properties of the whole organism emerge from the collective behavior of the parts that resulted from their interaction. These new developments and emphasis are making biology a quantitative and conceptually profound discipline and also bringing biology and physics close together.
This Croucher Advanced Study Institute (ASI) aims to expose the local physicists in Hong Kong and in the region to these recent exciting developments and thus allow them to seize the golden opportunities available in this new era of biology. Six leading experts in the field are invited to present lectures on topics that offer opportunities for the techniques and problem solving skills of physicists. Furthermore, this Croucher ASI hopes to promote collaborative efforts among the physicists and the biologists as such interdisciplinary efforts are highly beneficial to the progress of this new emerging field of quantitative and systemic biology.
Robert Austin (Princeton University, USA)
Vincent Croquette (Encole Normale Superieure, France)
Terrence Hwa (University of California, San Diego, USA)
Albert Libchaber (Rockefeller University, USA)
Boris Shraiman (University of California, Santa Barbara, USA)
Eric Siggia (Rockefeller University, USA)
Chao Tang (University of California, San Francisco, USA)
C.K. Chan (Institute of Physics, Academic Sinica, Taiwan)
Hao Li (University of California, San Francisco, USA)
Marcelo Magnasco (Rockefeller University, USA)
Qi Ouyang (Peking University, China)
Yuhai Tu (IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA)
* Physics aspects of the origin of life
* Quantitative approaches to gene regulation
* Modeling of signaling pathways
* Specific examples of yeast cell cycle and fly embryo development
* Technologies in biological investigation
Please go to http://www.phy.cuhk.edu.hk/itp/v2/1024/asi06/asi_program.html for the program. All lectures will be held at the Science Centre of the Chinese University of Hong Kong. The working language is English.
Hotels for this ASI are Royal Park Hotel and Regal Riverside Hotel in Shatin. Transportation between the hotels and the Science Centre of the Chinese University of Hong Kong will be arranged during the ASI. Please follow the
link in
http://www.phy.cuhk.edu.hk/itp/v2/1024/asi06/asi_info.html for direction to the hotels.
Please send your enquiries to Miss Ho at pyho@phy.cuhk.edu.hk
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200字论文摘要和预注册表截止期: 2007年11月1日
摘要接收通知: 2008年1月15日
论文全文接受截止期: 2008年3月30日
预注册费接受截止期: 2008年4月15日
地址: 安徽 合肥 中国科学技术大学力学与机械工程系 230027
张青川 0551-3607613
徐松林 0551-3603793, 13865944698
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International Conference on Computational Methods 2007
ICCM 2007
International Conference on Computational Methods
International Conference Center Hiroshima in Peace Memorial Park, Hiroshima, Japan
4-6 April 2007
Organized and hosted by:
Department of Social and Environmental Engineering Hiroshima University
Supported by:
The 21st Century COE Program
“System Design: Paradigm Shift from Intelligence to Life”
Keio University
Scope of the Conference
This conference provides an international forum for the presentation and showcase of recent advances in various aspects of computational methods. It will reflect the state-of-the-art of the computational methods involving theory, algorithm, programming, coding,numerical simulation, error and uncertainty analysis and/or the novel application of computational techniques to problems in engineering,science, and other disciplines related to computations. Selected papers presented in the conference will be peer reviewed for publication in the International Journal of Computational Methods (IJCM).
Workshops on selected topics are organized for intensive discussions. The detail information of workshops will be available at the conference website.
Call for Abstracts
Intending authors are invited to submit 1-page abstracts. The abstract format (Word or Tex) can be downloaded from the conference website from July 15, 2006. Only the submission of a PDF file via the conference’s website (http://home.hiroshima-u.ac.jp/iccm2007/) is accepted. Abstracts will be fully reviewed by experts in the areas of computation.
Important Dates
Start of abstract submission from: July 15, 2006
Deadline for receipt of abstract by: November 30, 2006
Notification of acceptance by: December 15, 2006
Deadline for early payment by: December 31, 2006
Location: Hiroshima
Hiroshima is the capital of Hiroshima Prefecture and the largest city of the Chugoku Region, the westernmost region on Japan's main island of Honshu. It
home to about one million people. Hiroshima is a city vehemently engaged in
the promotion of peace. Hiroshima's Peace Park including the memorial museum, and the island of Miyajima (literally: shrine island), located 40 minutes from
the city center by train and ferry, are among Japan's most interesting tourist attractions.
Updated Information
Regularly updated information on accommodation, paper preparation, and other related affairs of the conference are available at:
If you require further information regarding ICCM2007, please contact via e-mail to: iccm2007@hiroshima-u.ac.jp
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哈尔滨师范大学数学与计算机科学学院数学系、信息科学系(原名数学系)创建于1951年。现有本科专业:数学与应用数学, 信息与计算科学;硕士点:基础数学、应用数学、运筹与控制、课程与教学论(数学)。 在校本科生1616人,统招硕士生73人,教育硕士研究生55人。基础数学专业为省级重点学科,应用数学为校重点学科。
在《Comun. Pure Appl. Math.》,《J. Algebra》,《J. Approx.》,《Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.》等刊物上均有论文发表。在科学出版社出版学术专著2部,在其它出版社出版专著2部,教材11本。
我们注重同国内外数学界的学术交流与合作。2002年8月,与北京应用物理与计算数学研究所共同在我校承办了ICM2002的“Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations in Mechanics and Physics"卫星会议。近五年我们邀请国内外专家来我校讲学和访问60多人次,出国访学10余人次。我校与波兰Adam Mickiewicz大学于2004年9月签定联合培养数学博士生的协议,并已执行。
网址: http://www.hrbnu.edu.cn/sxx/
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Communications in Mathematical Sciences (CMS) Vol 4, No.4, 2006
December 2006
Table of Contents
abstracts can be found in www.math.wisc.edu/~jcms
full articles will be available at www.intlpress.com/CMS
Renaud Marty
On a splitting scheme for the nonlinear Schrodinger equation in a random medium
Dror Givon, Ioannis G. Kevrekidis and Raz Kupferman
Strong convergence of projective integration schemes for singularly perturbed stochastic differential systems
M.B.A. Mansour
Existence of traveling wave solutions in a hyperbolic-elliptic system of equations
B. Ducomet and A. Zlotnik
On stability of the Crank-Nicolson scheme with approximate transparent boundary conditions
Peter Constantin and Gautam Iyer
Stochastic Lagrangian transport and generalized relative entropies
Marzia Bisi and Giampiero Spiga
Diatomic gas diffusing in a background medium: kinetic approach and reaction-diffusion equations
Virgil U. Pierce and Fei-Ran Tian
Self-similar solutions of the non-strictly hyperbolic Whitham equations
Yanping Cao, Evelyn M. Lunasin, and Edriss S. Titi
Global well-posedness of the three-dimensional viscous and inviscid simplified
Bardina turbulence models equations
End of CAM Digest
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