- 摘要
张智民 [zmzhang@csrc.ac.cn]
- 摘要
北京计算科学研究中心是一所按国外科研体制运行的多学科交叉基础研究机构。该中心应与计算数学研究部张智民教授(http://www.csrc.ac.cn/en/people/faculty/34.html, http://www.math.wayne.edu/~zzhang/)课题组2016年度招聘博士后研究人员。
1. 2016届应届博士毕业生或具有博士学位、符合博士后进站条例的科研人才;
2. 较强的计算数学研究基础与较好的编程能力;从事有限元方法或谱方法研究者优先;
3. 有较好的英语写作、阅读和交流能力,富有责任心和协作精神。
1. 根据申请者研究经历和水平,提供博士后年薪14-18万元人民币,并享受中心博士后管理相关规定的待遇,包括住房和经费补贴;
2. 提供国外相关合作研究单位进行学术交流和合作的机会;
3. 提供一流的软硬件环境与科研条件。
1. 非线性偏微分方程的的高效计算方法;
2. 偏微分方程(源问题与特征值问题)的谱与hp有限元方法。
1. 个人简历(中英文版);
2. 未来研究计划简述(英文或中英文版);
3. 导师及专家推荐信各一份(英文或中文版)。
张智民教授: zmzhang@csrc.ac.cn
张继伟特聘研究员: jwzhang@csrc.ac.cn
李会元研究员: huiyuan@iscas.ac.cn
张智民 [zmzhang@csrc.ac.cn]
- 摘要
一、 招生计划
1. 2016年春季班招生规模为30~50人。
2. 实行学生自由申请制。
3. 在读研究生或青年学者均具有申请资格,同时亦接受少量优秀的本科三、四年级学生。
4. 申报时间:即日至2016年3月31日。
5. 申报者的入选资格由委员会审定,并及时通知申请者。
二、 教学计划
1. 教学时间:2016年4月10--15日
2. 授课地点:北京计算科学研究中心
3. 讲授教师:沈捷教授 美国普渡大学,厦门大学
张智民教授 美国韦恩州立大学
李会元研究员 中国科学院软件研究所
4. 鼓励学生参加中心的学术报告、特别讲座、讨论班等。
1. 广义正交多项式/函数及逼近
2. 二阶微分方程的谱方法
3. 高阶微分方程的谱方法
4. 分数阶微分方程的谱方法
5. 复杂区域谱元及hp有限元方法
6. 谱方法的应用介绍
参考书:Jie Shen, Tao Tang, and Li-Lian Wang. Spectral Methods Algorithms, Analysis and Applications. Springer, 2011.
四、 生活管理
1. 中心为学生提供固定自习室和(一定数量)公用电脑等学习条件。
2. 学员的交通与食宿自理。
五、 申请和录取
1. 申请材料及流程:
① 报名表需学生导师签字同意申请。
② 本科学生需提供本科阶段成绩,原件或复印件均可,需加盖单位公章。
③ 请将上述材料电子版发送至 huiyuan@iscas.ac.cn, 邮件主题格式为[2016谱方法
2. 申请者可从中心网站http://www.csrc.ac.cn/en/event/schools/2016-02-23/15.html获取Word报名表格。
3. 2016春季班接受申请的截止时间是2016年3月31日。
4. 专家委员会讨论决定春季班录取名单后,中心将立即邮件通知申请者本人。
5. 春季班联系人:李会元老师,咨询电话:13681285209.
- 摘要
我们热诚邀请来自中国大陆、台湾、香港及澳门的中学,参加将于2016年3月17日-5月9日期间举行的第二届国际数学建模挑战赛(IMMC 2016)。国际数学建模挑战赛(IMMC或者IM2C)是一项面向中学生的国际性新型数学建模竞赛,其创办机构是美国数学及其应用联合会及香港儒莲教科文机构,竞赛宗旨在于鼓励参赛者应用数学建模探索和解决现实世界的重要问题,以普及数学建模教育,增强中学生数学核心素养。IMMC既是中学生数学建模实践与历练的舞台,也是参赛中学数学教育成果展示与交流的园地。中华国际数学建模挑战赛委员会是IMMC在中国大陆、台湾、香港及澳门地区唯一授权负责国际数学建模挑战赛的评审与选拔等学术工作的机构。由各地区知名高校学者和专业人士组成的学术顾问委员会及专家组,为各地区中学生营建一个普惠与共享的学习交流平台,以学生为本,在地性与国际性兼容。
第二届国际数学建模挑战赛(IMMC 2016)日程:
报名/注册 即日至2016年3月10日
竞赛季 2016年3月17日-4月6日
决赛名单公布 2016年4月14日
决赛答辩 2016年5月5-6日,香港
国际评比结果宣布 2016年6月
国际颁奖典礼 2016年7月26日,汉堡
IMMC 2016将免收报名费。欲进一步了解IMMC 2016详情,并注册报名,请访问www.immchallenge.org.cn (中国大陆)及www.immchallenge.org.hk (大陆以外地区)。
欲参阅样题、首届国际数学建模挑战赛IMMC 2015 以及更多关于IMMC信息,
谢谢您及贵校的兴趣。热切期待贵校团队报名参加第二届国际数学建模挑战赛IMMC 2016。
梁贯成 教授
Wong, Heung [AMA]
- 摘要
Department of Applied Mathematics, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
應用數學系 運籌及風險分析理學碩士學位
MSc in operational research and risk analysis Programme Aims and Objectives
To produce graduates with strong operational research, risk analysis and statistical skills and a thorough understanding of their application in the world of modern operational research and risk analysis.
To provide a solid theoretical foundation of operational research, risk analysis and statistics to its students, who will then be able to develop an outlook and powerful methodology that remain valuable inwhatever careers they pursue in the fast moving world of business, commerce, finance and insurance.
Duration and Credit Requirement
Mode of Study: Mixed-mode (Full-time* /Part-time)
Normal Duration: 1.5 years (Full-time*) /3 years (Part-time)
Credits Required for Graduation: 30
Type of Funding: Self- financed
* Non-local applicants must be registered
as full-time students.
Entrance Requirements
Bachelor's degree with Honours in engineering, computer science, basic
science, economics, finance or the equivalent
Deadline for Application
29 April 2016
Dr. Eugene Lee
Tel 2766 6957
Email eugene.lee@polyu.edu.hk
Dr. Li Xun
Tel 2766 6939
Email malixun@polyu.edu.hk
Miss Forest Chan
Tel 3400 3141
Email forest.chan@polyu.edu.hk
Website: www.polyu.edu.hk/ama/63024
Zhang, Lei
- 摘要
Date: March 8 - March 11, 2016
Lecturer: Professor Evgeny Tyrtyshnikov (Institute of Numerical Mathematics of Russian Academy of Sciences,
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology)
Venue: Room 601, Pao Yue-Kong Library, Minhang Campus, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Application and Registration: Please email Chenye Chang
(ccy@sjtu.edu.cn) to register, there is no registration fee.
Participants should cover their own lodging and meals, proof of participation will be provided.
1, Theory and algorithms of low-rank approximation for matrices and Tucker decomposition for tensors
2, Tensor ranks and relation with algebraic geometry
3, Kruskal conditions of uniqueness and recent generalizations
4, Tensor trains and structured decompositions of associated matrices 5, Cross approximation algorithms
Contact: Chenye Chang (ccy@sjtu.edu.cn)
- 摘要
Beijing Institute for Scientific and Engineering Computing (BISEC), affiliated with the Beijing municipal government, is a newly established research center on interdisciplinary research and education. The institute promotes cutting-edge interdisciplinary research between computations and other areas in science and engineering, and develops innovative research models and effective programs for nurturing young talents.
The institute especially promotes research related to the economic and societal challenges faced by the city of Beijing, such as those related to transportation, environment, health, biology, information. The institute,located in Beijing University of Technology (BJUT), strongly encourages collaborations between researchers from academic institutions as well as industries all over the world.
BISEC invites applications for positions at various levels including postdoctoral fellows, tenure-track assistant,associate and full professors for research and graduate student education in the institute. The salary, start-up funds, and fringe benefit for these positions will be competitive by both domestic and international standard and they will be commensurate with each applicant’s research credentials and working experiences.
Position Description:
Available Positions: BISEC plans to fill in numerous positions of different types in areas of Computational Mathematics, FSI dynamics, Virtual Medicine, 3D visualization and Computer Graphics, Parallel Computation, Mathematical Statistics and Biostatistics, Optimization (theory and application). In the coming academic year,the following three types of positions will be available:
1.Ten postdoctoral fellow positions with annual salary up to 200,000 RMB (tax included). Some of these postdoctoral fellows will be trained abroad (Europe and USA) in which case salary will be competitive by the standard in the respective country.
2.Eight tenure-track assistant professor positions with annaul salary up to 250,000 (tax included) , details on these positions can be found in the web site http://zhaopin.bjut.edu.cn/rszp/index.html. There is a deadline for this line of positions: March 7, 17:00.
3.A number of associate professor and professor positions with competitive salary and benefit by both China and international standards.
More detailed information on any of the above positions will be available to interested applicants upon email request via maggie_like@bjut.edu.cn
Qualifications: Applicants must have a Ph.D. degree. Preference for tenure-track positions will be given to those with at least three years of research experience abroad, excellent research record, strong motivation, good communication skills, and adequate teaching experience.
Deadlines: Review of applications will begin immediately, and will continue for the next five years.
Deadline only applies to the tenure- track assistant professor position: March 7, 2016.
Contacts: All applicants should submit their CV, research statement, representative research papers, and three letters of references via email to Ms. Ke Li (maggie_like@bjut.edu.cn). All application materials should be in English.
Chong-Jun Li [chongjun@dlut.edu.cn]
- 摘要
The aim of ICICS'2016 is to bring together mathematicians, scientists and engineers working in the field of information and computational science and to provide a forum for the participants to meet and exchange ideas of common interest in an informal atmosphere. The topics will be focused on (but not limited to) the following aspects:
Numerical Analysis; Scientific and Engineering Computing; Computational Geometry; Image Processing;Computing Visualization; Intelligence Computation; CAD/CAM/CAE; 3D Object Recognition; Computer Graphics
Plenary Speakers:
Gang Bao, Zhejiang University, China, and Michigan State University, USA
Falai Chen, University of Science and Technology of China, China
Xianfeng Gu, State University of New York at Stony Brook, USA
Thomas Yizhao Hou, California Institute of Technology, USA
Shimin Hu, Tsinghua University, China
Lizhuang Ma, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
Tao Tang, Hong Kong Baptist University, China
Zongmin Wu, Fudan University, China
Shaoliang Zhang, Nagoya University, Japan
Hongkai Zhao, University of California (Irvine), USA
Submitted papers have to be original, containing new results that were not previously published. All papers will be peer-reviewed. Selected excellent papers presented at the conference will be recommended to publish in Applied Mathematics A Journal of Chinese Universities, a special issue of the Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics or other journals. All recommended papers will be peer-reviewed by the journals. We invite you to submit your manuscript via http://www.smartchair.org/ICICS2016. For more detailed information, please visit the website at http://cggi.dlut.edu.cn/icics2016/.
Paper Submission Deadline: Mar. 31, 2016.
Chi-Wang Shu [shu@dam.brown.edu]
- 摘要
Recovery-Based Error Estimator for the Discontinuous Galerkin Method for Nonlinear Scalar Conservation Laws in One Space Dimension Mahboub Baccouch, pp.459-476.
Spectral Method for Fourth-Order Problems on Quadrilaterals Xu-hong Yu and Ben-yu Guo, pp.477-503.
Unconditional Optimal Error Estimates of BDF-Galerkin FEMs for Nonlinear Thermistor Equations
Huadong Gao, pp.504-527.
Local Error Estimates for the SUPG Method Applied to Evolutionary Convection-Reaction-Diffusion Equations
Javier de Frutos, Bosco Garcia-Archilla and Julia Novo, pp.528-554.
A Stabilized Crank-Nicolson Mixed Finite Volume Element Formulation for the Non-stationary Incompressible
Boussinesq Equations Zhen Dong Luo, pp.555-576.
An Efficient Algorithm for Accelerating Monte Carlo Approximations of the Solution to Boundary Value Problems
Sara Mancini, Francisco Bernal and Juan A. Acebron, pp.577-597.
Finite Difference Hermite WENO Schemes for Conservation Laws, II: An Alternative Approach
Hongxia Liu and Jianxian Qiu, pp.598-624.
Analysis of a Staggered Discontinuous Galerkin Method for Linear Elasticity
Jeonghun J. Lee and Hyea Hyun Kim, pp.625-649.
New Time Differencing Methods for Spectral Methods
Chang-Yeol Jung and Thien Binh Nguyen, pp.650-671.
Stochastic Steady-State Navier–Stokes Equations with Additive Random Noise
Max D. Gunzburger, Lisheng Hou and Ju Ming, pp.672-691.
Adaptive Mesh Refinement for Hyperbolic Systems Based on Third-Order Compact WENO Reconstruction
M. Semplice, A. Coco and G. Russo, pp.692-724.
A Compact Difference Scheme for Fractional Sub- diffusion Equations with the Spatially Variable Coefficient Under
Neumann Boundary Conditions Seakweng Vong, Pin Lyu and Zhibo Wang, pp.725-739.
Trapezoidal Rule for Computing Supersingular Integral on a Circle Jin Li, Hongxing Rui and Dehao Yu, pp.740-760.
High Order Boundary Extrapolation Technique for Finite Difference Methods on Complex Domains with Cartesian Meshes A. Baeza, P. Mulet and D. Zorio, pp.761-791.
Multifluid Flows: A Kinetic Approach
Florent Berthelin, Thierry Goudon and Sebastian Minjeaud, pp.792-824.
Finite Element Analysis of a Bending Moment Formulation for the Vibration Problem of a Non-homogeneous
Timoshenko Beam F. Lepe, D. Mora and R. Rodriguez, pp.825-848.
An Alternating Direction Method with Continuation for Nonconvex Low Rank Minimization
Zheng-Fen Jin, Zhongping Wan, Yuling Jiao and Xiliang Lu, pp.849-869.
The Staggered DG Method is the Limit of a Hybridizable DG Method. Part II: The Stokes Flow
Eric Chung, Bernardo Cockburn and Guosheng Fu, pp.870-887.
Chi-Wang Shu [shu@dam.brown.edu]
- 摘要
On the Global and Linear Convergence of the Generalized Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers
Wei Deng and Wotao Yin, pp.889-916.
Matrix-Free Polynomial-Based Nonlinear Least Squares Optimized Preconditioning and Its Application to Discontinuous Galerkin Discretizations of the Euler Equations L.E. Carr III, C.F. Borges and F.X. Giraldo, pp.917-940.
Finite Element Method and A Priori Error Estimates for Dirichlet Boundary Control Problems Governed
by Parabolic PDEs Wei Gong, Michael Hinze and Zhaojie Zhou, pp.941-967.
A Stabilized Mixed Finite Element Method for Elliptic Optimal Control Problems
Hongfei Fu, Hongxing Rui, Jian Hou and Haihong Li, pp.968-986.
Erratum to: A Stabilized Mixed Finite Element Method for Elliptic Optimal Control Problems
Hongfei Fu, Hongxing Rui, Jian Hou and Haihong Li, pp.987-990.
Grad-div Stabilization for the Evolutionary Oseen Problem with Inf-sup Stable Finite Elements
Javier de Frutos, Bosco Garcia-Archilla, Volker Volker John and Julia Novo, pp.991-1024.
Full 3D Simulations of Two-Phase Core–Annular Flow in Horizontal Pipe Using Level Set Method
Byungjoon Lee and Myungjoo Kang, pp.1025-1051.
Well-Balanced High Order 1D Schemes on Non-uniform Grids and Entropy Residuals
G. Puppo and M. Semplice, pp.1052-1076.
Spectral Method For Navier-Stokes Equations With Non-slip Boundary Conditions By Using
Divergence-Free Base Functions Ben-yu Guo and Yu-jian Jiao, pp.1077-1101.
A Decoupled Unconditionally Stable Numerical Scheme for the Cahn-Hilliard-Hele-Shaw System
Daozhi Han, pp.1102-1121.
Some Non-monotone Schemes for Time Dependent Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman Equations in Stochastic Control
Xavier Warin, pp.1122-1147.
Numerical Algorithms with High Spatial Accuracy for the Fourth-Order Fractional Sub-Diffusion Equations
with the First Dirichlet Boundary Conditions Cui-cui Ji, Zhi-zhong Sun and Zhao-peng Hao, pp.1148-1174.
Trace-Penalty Minimization for Large-Scale Eigenspace Computation
Zaiwen Wen, Chao Yang, Xin Liu and Yin Zhang, pp.1175-1203.
On the Proximal Jacobian Decomposition of ALM for Multiple-Block Separable Convex Minimization
Problems and Its Relationship to ADMM Bingsheng He, Hong-Kun Xu and Xiaoming Yuan, pp.1204-1217.
Direct Minimization for Ensemble Electronic Structure Calculations K. Baarman, V. Havu and T. Eirola, pp.1218-1233.
Second Order Conformal Symplectic Schemes for Damped Hamiltonian Systems
Ashish Bhatt, Dwayne Floyd and Brian E. Moore, pp.1234-1259.
Discontinuous Galerkin Approximation of Linear Parabolic Problems with Dynamic Boundary Conditions
P.F. Antonietti, M. Grasselli, S. Stangalino and M. Verani, pp.1260-1280.
Two Alternating Direction Implicit Difference Schemes for Two-Dimensional Distributed-Order Fractional
Diffusion Equations Guang-hua Gao and Zhi-zhong Sun, pp.1281-1312.
eXtended Hybridizable Discontinous Galerkin (X-HDG) for Void Problems
Ceren Gurkan, Esther Sala-Lardies, Martin Kronbichler and Sonia Fernandez-Mendez, pp.1313-1333.
"Yang Zhihua"
- 摘要
In this issue (10 articles)
Invited Articles
Estimates on the amplitude of the first Dirichlet eigenvector in discrete frameworks
Sci China Math, 59(2), 2016, pp. 205-226
Some results on pointwise second-order necessary conditions for stochastic optimal controls
Sci China Math, 59(2), 2016, pp. 227-238
Drift perturbation of subordinate Brownian motions with Gaussian component
CHEN Zhen-Qing, DOU XiaoMan
Sci China Math, 59(2), 2016, pp. 239-260
Derivative formulas and Poincaré inequality for Kohn-Laplacian type semigroups
WANG Feng-Yu
Sci China Math, 59(2), 2016, pp. 261-280
Generalized Morrey spaces and trace operator
NAKAMURA Shohei, NOI Takahiro, SAWANO Yoshihiro
Sci China Math, 59(2), 2016, pp. 281-336
Asymptotics of the quantization errors for in-homogeneous self-similar measures supported on self-similar sets
ZHU SanGuo
Sci China Math, 59(2), 2016, pp. 337-350
Norm estimates of ω-circulant operator matrices and isomorphic operators for ω-circulant algebra
JIANG ZhaoLin, XU TingTing
Sci China Math, 59(2), 2016, pp. 351-366
Conjugacy between piecewise monotonic functions and their iterative roots
LI Lin, ZHANG WenMeng
Sci China Math, 59(2), 2016, pp. 367-378
Convergence analysis of the formal energies of symplectic methods for Hamiltonian systems
ZHANG RuiLi, TANG YiFa, ZHU BeiBei, TU XiongBiao, ZHAO Yue
Sci China Math, 59(2), 2016, pp. 379-396
Bimodule and twisted representation of vertex operator algebras
Sci China Math, 59(2), 2016, pp. 397-410
End of CAM Digest
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