第十八卷, 第二期
【期刊信息】Inverse Problems & Imaging, Volume 15, Issue 1, 2021


IPI special issue on "mathematical/statistical approaches in data science" in the Inverse Problem and Imaging
Weihong Guo, Yifei Lou, Jing Qin and Ming Yan 

Reproducible kernel Hilbert space based global and local image segmentation
Liam Burrows, Weihong Guo, Ke Chen and Francesco Torella

Automatic extraction of cell nuclei using dilated convolutional network
Rajendra K C Khatri, Brendan J Caseria, Yifei Lou, Guanghua Xiao and Yan Cao

Global convergence and geometric characterization of slow to fast weight evolution in neural network training for classifying linearly non-separable data
Ziang Long, Penghang Yin and Jack Xin

Some worst-case datasets of deterministic first-order methods for solving binary logistic regression
Yuyuan Ouyang and Trevor Squires

Stochastic greedy algorithms for multiple measurement vectors
Jing Qin, Shuang Li, Deanna Needell, Anna Ma, Rachel Grotheer, Chenxi Huang and Natalie Durgin

Fast algorithms for robust principal component analysis with an upper bound on the rank
Ningyu Sha, Lei Shi and Ming Yan

Adversarial defense via the data-dependent activation, total variation minimization, and adversarial training
Bao Wang, Alex Lin, Penghang Yin, Wei Zhu, Andrea L. Bertozzi and Stanley J. Osher

A new initialization method based on normed statistical spaces in deep networks
Hongfei Yang, Xiaofeng Ding, Raymond Chan, Hui Hu, Yaxin Peng and Tieyong Zeng

Fast non-convex low-rank matrix decomposition for separation of potential field data using minimal memory
Dan Zhu, Rosemary A. Renaut, Hongwei Li and Tianyou Liu