第十八卷, 第二期
【期刊信息】Frontiers of Mathematics in China, Volume 15, Number 6, 2020


The (b,c)-inverse in semigroups and rings with involution
Xiaofeng Chen, Jianlong Chen 

Largest signless Laplacian spectral radius of uniform supertrees with diameter and pendent edges (vertices)
Cunxiang Duan, Ligong Wang, Peng Xiao 

Local regularity properties for 1D mixed nonlinear Schr?dinger equations on half-line
Boling Guo, Jun Wu 

Properties of Berwald scalar curvature
Ming Li, Lihong Zhang 

Multiple P-cyclic symmetric closed characteristics on compact convex P-cyclic symmetric hypersurfaces in $R^{2n}$
Hui Liu, Hui Zhang 

On intervals and sets of hypermatrices (tensors)
Saeed Rahmati, Mohamed A. Tawhid  

Existence and multiplicity results for nonlinear Schrodinger-Poisson equation with general potential
Yuan Shan 

Flag-transitive $2-(v, 5, λ)$ designs with sporadic socle
Jiaxin Shen, Shenglin Zhou 

Uniform supertrees with extremal spectral radii
Wen-Huan Wang, Ling Yuan 

Integrable systems, multicomponent twisted Heisenberg-Virasoro algebra and its central extensions
Yemo Wu, Xiurong Xu, Dafeng Zuo 

Variable integral and smooth exponent Besov spaces associated to non-negative self-adjoint operators
Jingshi Xu 

Pure projective modules and FP-injective modules over Morita rings
Meiqi Yan, Hailou Yao 

Super-biderivations of not-finitely graded Lie superalgebras related to generalized super-Virasoro algebras
Zhuo Zhang, Jixia Yuan, Xiaomin Tang 

Mean-field type forward-backward doubly stochastic differential equations and related stochastic differential games
Qingfeng Zhu, Lijiao Su, Fuguo Liu, Yufeng Shi, Yong'ao Shen, Shuyang Wang