第二十一卷, 第九期
【期刊信息】Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis, Volume 23, Issue 8, 2024


Multiple normalized solutions for the non-autonomous $p$-Laplace equation
Jianqing Chen and Yuetian Gao

Reconstructing the historical distribution of diffusion equation with poly-fractional operator in multi-dimensional space
Tra Quoc Khanh and Tran Thi Khieu

Extension of the theorem of Pucci and Serrin to a relativistic equation
Miguel Martínez-Teruel

A stabilizer free weak Galerkin finite element method for the linear elasticity equations
Yue Feng, Hui Peng, Ruishu Wang and Yongkui Zou

Elliptic equations with a singular drift from a weak Morrey space
Misha Chernobai and Tim Shilkin

Two-player zero-sum stochastic differential games with regime switching and corresponding Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman-Isaacs' equations
Li Guo and Zhen Wu

Normalized ground state solutions for $p$-Laplacian problems with a Hardy term
Jingbo Dou, Yuanyuan Li and Chen Qiao