第二十一卷, 第八期
【期刊信息】Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series S, Volume: 17, Issue: 8, 2024


Wei Lian

On the boundary control problem associated with a fourth order parabolic equation in a two-dimensional domain
Farrukh Dekhkonov and Wenke Li

On homoclinic solutions of nonlinear Laplacian partial difference equations with a parameter
Yuhua Long

Global regularity for the inhomogeneous incompressible Kelvin-Voigt Euler equations with vacuum
Zhihong Wen and Zhuan Ye

On a viscoelastic Kirchhoff equation with fractional Laplacian
Yang Liu and Li Zhang

On the partially synchronizable system for a coupled system of wave equations with different wave speeds
Yachun Li, Chenmu Wang and Yanyan Wang

Mixed local and nonlocal parabolic equation: Global existence, decay and blow-up
Yanan Zhao and Binlin Zhang

On the behavior of the solution to the Degasperis-Procesi equation with the Coriolis effect
Byungsoo Moon

Blowup for semilinear parabolic equation with logarithmic nonlinearity
Xingchang Wang and Yitian Wang

On the Cauchy problem for a wave-structure interaction problem
Rong Chen, Zhichun Yang and Shouming Zhou

Recovering the impedance function or shape of elastic obstacle from partial Cauchy data
Yao Sun, Pan Wang and Bo Chen

A numerical approximation for the Caputo-Hadamard derivative and its application in time-fractional variable-coefficient diffusion equation
Zhen Wang and Luhan Sun