第二十一卷, 第六期
【期刊信息】CSIAM Transactions on Applied Mathematics, Volume 5, Number 1, 2024


Pricing Stocks with Trading Volumes
Ben Duan, Yutian Li, Dawei Lu, Yang Lu & Ran Zhang

Uniform RIP Bounds for Recovery of Signals with Partial Support Information by Weighted $\ell_p$-Minimization
Huanmin Ge, Wengu Chen & Michael K. Ng

Hearing the Triangles: A Numerical Perspective
Wei Gong, Xiaodong Liu & Jing Wang

Flocking Behaviors of a Body Attitude Coordination Model with Velocity Alignment
Zhengyang Qiao, Yicheng Liu & Xiao Wang

A Novel Lagrange Multiplier Approach with Relaxation for Gradient Flows
Zhengguang Liu & Xiaoli Li

Dynamic Pricing with Surging Demand
Lijun Bo & Yijie Huang

On the Mathematics of RNA Velocity II: Algorithmic Aspects
Tiejun Li, Yizhuo Wang, Guoguo Yang & Peijie Zhou