第二十一卷, 第七期
【期刊信息】Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series S, Volume: 17, Issue: 7, 2024

Charley Denton


Laurence Cherfils, Aziz Hamdouni and Alain Léger

Global boundary null-controllability of one-dimensional semilinear heat equations
Kuntal Bhandari, Jérôme Lemoine and Arnaud Münch

Optimal control of therapies on a tumor growth model with brain lactate kinetics
Laurence Cherfils, Stefania Gatti, Alain Miranville, Hussein Raad and Rémy Guillevin

Optimal velocity planning based on the solution of the Euler-Lagrange equations with a neural network based velocity regression
Chady Ghnatios, Daniele di Lorenzo, Victor Champaney, Elías Cueto and Francisco Chinesta

A few remarks on thermomechanics
Hervé Le Dret and Annie Raoult

Theoretical aspects of buckling in presence of damage
Alain Cimetière, Damien Halm and Alain Léger

Grassmannian kriging with applications in POD-based model order reduction
Rolando Mosquera, Antoine Falaize and Aziz Hamdouni

A comparison of force computations for modeling fluid-structure interaction problems with the lattice Boltzmann volume penalisation method
Erwan Liberge and Claudine Béghein

Numerical simulation of a time dependent lubrication problem arising in magnetic reading processes
Iñigo Arregui, José Jesús Cendán and María González

Group theoretic approach and analytical solutions of the compressible Navier-Stokes equations
Dina Razafindralandy and Aziz Hamdouni