第二十一卷, 第七期
【期刊信息】Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems-Series B, Volume: 29, Issue: 8, 2024

Charley Denton


Invariant measures for first order nonlocal lattice dynamical systems with delays
Chunqiu Li and Jintao Wang

Dynamics of a competition system with lethal boundary conditions in advective environments
Jinyu Wei

Regularity results of 2D magneto-micropolar equations without kinematic dissipation
Menghan Gong, Weixian Sun and Wenjuan Wang

Stress formulation and duality approach in periodic homogenization
Cristian Barbarosie and Anca-Maria Toader

On a delayed invasive species model with harvesting
Sándor Kovács and Szilvia György

Sobolev-Lorentz spaces with an application to the inhomogeneous biharmonic NLS equation
JinMyong An, JinMyong Kim and PyongJo Ryu

Stability of a nonlinear wave for an outflow problem of the bipolar quantum Navier-Stokes-Poisson system
Qiwei Wu and Peicheng Zhu

Dynamics of an almost periodic epidemic model with non-local infections and latency in a patchy environment
Bin-Guo Wang and Jiangqian Zhang

Wave motions in discontinuous initial-value problem of the inviscid shallow water wave Jaulent-Miodek model
Haili Li and Deng-Shan Wang

On a 2D transmission problem with singularity at the interface modeling autoignition of reactive jets
Claude-Michel Brauner, Peipei Shang and Linwan Zhang

Complex dynamics induced by additive Allee effect in a Leslie-Gower predator-prey model
Yue Yang, Fanwei Meng, Yancong Xu and Libin Rong

Stability and Hopf bifurcation in a state-dependent delayed Brusselator-type model
Liang Zhou and Shangjiang Guo

Mathematical modelling of cholera disease with seasonality and human behavior change
Wei Wang, Teng Liu and Xiaoting Fan

A dual principle for symmetric periodic solutions Bi-stability in noninterdigitated Comb-drive MEMS
Daniel Núñez and Larry Murcia

Energy decay for a swelling porous-elastic system with general viscoelastic damping
Teng Wang and Jun Zhou