第二十卷, 第一期
【会议信息】Biennial Numerical Analysis Conference, UK, Jun 2023


It is our pleasure to announce that registration is now open for the 29th Biennial Conference on Numerical Analysis, to take place during 27-30 June 2023 at the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland. This long established conference is open to all researchers in the field, and you are invited to contribute a talk on your current work. PhD students and young researchers will find the environment particularly welcoming.
We also welcome proposals for minisymposia for the conference. A minisymposium should consist of a multiple of 3 speakers (up to 12). To propose a minisymposium send a title, a short abstract and a list of speakers to, or directly to one of the conference organisers.
Further information, including fees and deadlines, can be found at