第十九卷, 第十四期
【期刊信息】Contents, Mathematical and Computational Applications, Special Issue

Computational Methods for Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering


Towards Building the OP-Mapped WENO Schemes: A General Methodology
Ruo Li and Wei Zhong

Modified Representations for the Close Evaluation Problem
Camille Carvalho

Multi-Physics Inverse Homogenization for the Design of Innovative Cellular Materials: Application to Thermo-Elastic Problems
Matteo Gavazzoni, Nicola Ferro, Simona Perotto and Stefano Foletti

Benchmarking Regridding Libraries Used in Earth System Modelling
Sophie Valcke, Andrea Piacentini and Gabriel Jonville 

Coupled Neural-Glial Dynamics and the Role of Astrocytes in Alzheimer's Disease
Swadesh Pal and Roderick Melnik

Reduced Order Modeling Using Advection-Aware Autoencoders
Sourav Dutta, Peter Rivera-Casillas, Brent Styles and Matthew W. Farthing

Challenges in Kinetic-Kinematic Driven Musculoskeletal Subject-Specific Infant Modeling
Yeram Lim, Tamara Chambers, Christine Walck, Safeer Siddicky, Erin Mannen and Victor Huayamave

A Trust Region Reduced Basis Pascoletti-Serafini Algorithm for Multi-Objective PDE-Constrained Parameter Optimization
Stefan Banholzer, Luca Mechelli and Stefan Volkwein

Enhancing Quasi-Newton Acceleration for Fluid-Structure Interaction
Kyle Davis, Miriam Schulte and Benjamin Uekermann