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第十九卷, 第十二期
【期刊信息】Journal of Computational Dynamics (JCD), Volume 9, Issue 3


Preface: Special issue on continuation methods and applications
Bernd Krauskopf and Hinke M. Osinga
Pages: i-ii
Sensitivity analysis for periodic orbits and quasiperiodic invariant tori using the adjoint method
Harry Dankowicz and Jan Sieber
Pages: 329-369
Continuation methods for principal foliations of embedded surfaces
John Guckenheimer
Pages: 371-392
Determining the global manifold structure of a continuous-time heterodimensional cycle
Andy Hammerlindl, Bernd Krauskopf, Gemma Mason and Hinke M. Osinga
Pages: 393-419
Bistability, bifurcations and chaos in the Mackey-Glass equation
Valentin Duruisseaux and Antony R. Humphries
Pages: 421-450
Computation of nonreciprocal dynamics in nonlinear materials
Behrooz Yousefzadeh
Pages: 451-464
Emergence of quasiperiodic regimes in a neutral delay model of flute-like instruments: Influence of the detuning between resonance frequencies
Soizic Terrien, Christophe Vergez, Benoît Fabre and Patricio de la Cuadra
Pages: 465-482
A novel sensing concept utilizing targeted, complex, nonlinear MEMS dynamics
Seigan Hayashi, Chris J. Cameron and Stefanie Gutschmidt
Pages: 483-503