第十九卷, 第五期
【期刊信息】Discrete & Continuous Dynamical Systems – S, Volume 15, Issue 4, 2022


Preface   Feng Bao

A dictionary learning algorithm for compression and reconstruction of streaming data in preset order
Richard Archibald and Hoang Tran

Solving the linear transport equation by a deep neural network approach
Zheng Chen, Liu Liu and Lin Mu

Stable numerical methods for a stochastic nonlinear Schrödinger equation with linear multiplicative noise
Xiaobing Feng and Shu Ma

Stochastic quasi-subgradient method for stochastic quasi-convex feasibility problems
Gang Li, Minghua Li and Yaohua Hu

A drift homotopy implicit particle filter method for nonlinear filtering problems
Xin Li, Feng Bao and Kyle Gallivan

ISALT: Inference-based schemes adaptive to large time-stepping for locally Lipschitz ergodic systems
Xingjie Helen Li, Fei Lu and Felix X.-F. Ye

Explicit multistep stochastic characteristic approximation methods for forward backward stochastic differential equations
Ying Liu, Yabing Sun and Weidong Zhao

Bayesian topological signal processing
Christopher Oballe, Alan Cherne, Dave Boothe, Scott Kerick, Piotr J. Franaszczuk and Vasileios Maroulas

Numerical methods preserving multiple Hamiltonians for stochastic Poisson systems
Lijin Wang, Pengjun Wang and Yanzhao Cao

Resampled ensemble Kalman inversion for Bayesian parameter estimation with sequential data
Jiangqi Wu, Linjie Wen and Jinglai Li

Highly accurate operator factorization methods for the integral fractional Laplacian and its generalization
Yixuan Wu and Yanzhi Zhang

Analytic continuation of noisy data using Adams Bashforth residual neural network
Xuping Xie, Feng Bao, Thomas Maier and Clayton Webster

A stochastic collocation method based on sparse grids for a stochastic Stokes-Darcy model
Zhipeng Yang, Xuejian Li, Xiaoming He and Ju Ming

An out-of-distribution-aware autoencoder model for reduced chemical kinetics
Pei Zhang, Siyan Liu, Dan Lu, Ramanan Sankaran and Guannan Zhang

Augmented Gaussian random field: Theory and computation
Sheng Zhang, Xiu Yang, Samy Tindel and Guang Lin

Effective Mori-Zwanzig equation for the reduced-order modeling of stochastic systems
Yuanran Zhu and Huan Lei