第十七卷, 第十九期
【期刊信息】Discrete & Continuous Dynamical Systems - S, Volume 13, Number 12, 2020

Preface to this special issue Pages: i-ii
Genni Fragnelli, Jerome A. Goldstein and Alain Miranville 

Fractional Cauchy problems for infinite interval case 
Mohammed Al Horani, Mauro Fabrizio, Angelo Favini and Hiroki Tanabe  

Fractional Ostrowski-Sugeno Fuzzy univariate inequalities 
George A. Anastassiou 

Global solutions of continuous coagulation–fragmentation equations with unbounded coefficients 
Jacek Banasiak 

Existence of minimizers for some quasilinear elliptic problems 
Anna Maria Candela and Addolorata Salvatore 

Infinitely many radial solutions for a super-cubic Kirchhoff type problem in a ball 
Alfonso Castro and Shu-Zhi Song 

A note on the non-homogeneous initial boundary problem for an Ostrovsky-Hunter type equation 
Giuseppe Maria Coclite and Lorenzo di Ruvo  

Feynman path formula for the time fractional Schrödinger equation 
Hassan Emamirad and Arnaud Rougirel  

On the effects of the exterior matrix hostility and a U-shaped density dependent 
dispersal on a diffusive logistic growth model
Nalin Fonseka, Ratnasingham Shivaji, Jerome Goddard, Ⅱ, Quinn A. Morris 
and Byungjae Son 

Operators of order 2n with interior degeneracy 
Genni Fragnelli, Jerome A. Goldstein, Rosa Maria Mininni and Silvia Romanelli  

On absence of threshold resonances for Schrödinger and Dirac operators  
Fritz Gesztesy and Roger Nichols  

On hyperbolic mixed problems with dynamic and Wentzell boundary conditions 
Davide Guidetti 

The inverse volatility problem for American options 
Ian Knowles and Ajay Mahato 

A Zaremba-type criterion for hypoelliptic degenerate Ornstein–Uhlenbeck operators  
Alessia E. Kogoj 

A quantitative Hopf-type maximum principle for subsolutions of elliptic PDEs 
Tomasz Komorowski and Adam Bobrowski  

The surface diffusion and the Willmore flow for uniformly regular hypersurfaces  
Jeremy LeCrone, Yuanzhen Shao and Gieri Simonett 

Large data solutions for semilinear higher order equations 
Sandra Lucente doi: 10.3934/dcdss.2020247

Modeling epidemic outbreaks in geographical regions: Seasonal influenza in Puerto Rico 
Pierre Magal, Ahmed Noussair, Glenn Webb and Yixiang Wu 

Spectra of structured diffusive population equations with generalized Wentzell-Robin boundary conditions and related topics
Mustapha Mokhtar-Kharroubi 

On subdiagonal rational Padé approximations and the Brenner-Thomée approximation theorem for operator semigroups 
Frank Neubrander, Koray Özer and Lee Windsperger