第十八卷, 第十四期
【期刊信息】Foundations of Data Science, Volume 3, Issue 2


Wave-shape oscillatory model for nonstationary periodic time series analysis
Yu-Ting Lin, John Malik and Hau-Tieng Wu

On the linear ordering problem and the rankability of data
Thomas R. Cameron, Sebastian Charmot and Jonad Pulaj

Normalization effects on shallow neural networks and related asymptotic expansions
Jiahui Yu and Konstantinos Spiliopoulos

Geometric adaptive Monte Carlo in random environment
Theodore Papamarkou, Alexey Lindo and Eric B. Ford

Spectral clustering revisited: Information hidden in the Fiedler vector
Adela DePavia and Stefan Steinerberger

A Bayesian multiscale deep learning framework for flows in random media
Govinda Anantha Padmanabha and Nicholas Zabaras