第八卷, 第十四期
期刊内容: Numerical Algebra, Control and Optimization (NACO), Volume: 1, Number: 2, June 2011


Active incipient fault detection in continuous time systems with multiple
simultaneous faults,
Martene L. Fair and Stephen L. Campbell, pp. 221-224.

A strict ?1-Lyapunov function and feedback stabilization for the isothermal
Euler equations With friction.,
Markus Dick, Martin Gugat and G¨unter Leugering, pp. 225-244. 

Stability of a turnpike phenomenon for a class of optimal control systems
in metric spaces, 
Alexander J. Zaslavski, pp. 245-260.

Strict feasibility for generalized mixed variational inequality in re?exive
Banach spaces, 
Renyou Zhong and Nanjing Huang, pp. 261-274.

An optimal impulsive control regulator for linear systems,
Michael Basin and Pablo Rodriguez-Ramirez, pp. 275-282. 

Proximal point nonlinear rescaling method for convex optimization,
Igor Griva and Roman A. Polyak, pp. 283-299. 

Multiplicative perturbation analysis for QR factorizations, 
Xiao-wen Chang and Ren-cang Li, pp. 301-316. 

Stability analysis of parametric variational systems,
Shengjie Li, Chunmei Liao and Minghua Li, pp. 317-331.