第十四卷, 第六期
期刊内容:Statistics, Optimization and Information Computing (SOIC), Volume: 5, Number: 1 March 2017

David Yu]

New version of the MDR method for stratified samples, 
Alexander Bulinski, Alexey Kozhevin,

A direct local search method and its application to a Markovian model, Zhivko Taushanov, André Berchtold

Dynamic programming algorithms on directed cographs, Frank Gurski

A stochastic predator-prey system with Watt-type functional response, Dung Tien Nguyen

Explicit form of global solution to stochastic logistic differential equation and related topics, 
Dmytro Borysenko, Oleksandr Borysenko

Modified random errors S-iterative process for stochastic fixed point theorems in a generalized convex metric space, 
Plern Saipara,Wiyada Kumam,Parin Chaipunya