The Applications of Pattern recognition like wood classification, stone and rock classification
problems, the major usage techniques ate different texture classification techniques. Generally most of the
problems used statistical approach for texture analysis and texture classification. Gray Level Co-occurrence
Matrices (GLCM) approach is particularly applied in texture analysis and texture classification. The GLCM
gives better results with accuracy but its take much time for computation. The texture analysis methods
mainly depends upon how the particular texture features characterizes texture image. The accuracy of a
particular texture analysis method depends what type of features are extracted from a texture image for
classification, whether these features correctly classifies the textures or not. The accuracy of texture analysis
method depends not only the texture features are important but also the way in which texture features are
applied is also an important and significant for a critical, particular and perfect texture classification and
analysis. The present paper derived a new texture analysis method i.e. co-occurrence matrix based on fuzzy
rules and water shed texton patterns. The present paper applies fuzzy rules on Original texture image based
on water shed texton patterns and generates Co-occurrence matrices derived a new matrix called Fuzzy based
Texton Co-occurrence Matrices (FbTCoM) for texture classification. The present paper integrates the
advantages of co-occurrence matrix and texton image by representing the attribute of co-occurrence matrix
using water shed texton pattern based on fuzzy rule. The co-occurrence features extracted from the FbTCoM
provides complete texture information about a Texture image. The proposed method is experimented on
Vistex, Brodatz textures, CUReT, MAYAGAN, PBOURKE, and Google color texture images. The
experimental results indicate the proposed method classification performance is superior to that of many
existing methods.