Volume 36, Number 1
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Boling Guo, Yongqian Han, Daiwen Huang & Fangfang Li

Ann. Appl. Math., 36 (2020), pp. 1-30.

Preview Full PDF 2926 26261 Abstract

Xiqiong Bai, Dixiu Xiao, Jianli Chen, Wenxing Zhu, Yadong Zhang, Taotao Lu & Lifeng Wu

Ann. Appl. Math., 36 (2020), pp. 31-47.

Preview Full PDF 3021 26067 Abstract

Fangfang Liu, Kexin Wang & Fengying Wei

Ann. Appl. Math., 36 (2020), pp. 48-72.

Preview Full PDF 2858 25866 Abstract

Renxiang Shi

Ann. Appl. Math., 36 (2020), pp. 73-90.

Preview Full PDF 2738 26234 Abstract

Hongmei Zhang, Fawang Liu, Shanzhen Chen & Ming Shen

Ann. Appl. Math., 36 (2020), pp. 91-110.

Preview Full PDF 2831 26342 Abstract

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