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A New Mixed Finite Element for the Linear Elasticity Problem in 3D
Jun Hu, Rui Ma and Yuanxun Sun

J. Comp. Math. DOI: 10.4208/jcm.2405-m2023-0051

Publication Date : 2024-07-31

  • Abstract

This paper constructs the first mixed finite element for the linear elasticity problem in 3D using $P_3$ polynomials for the stress and discontinuous $P_2$ polynomials for the displacement on tetrahedral meshes under some mild mesh conditions. The degrees of freedom of the stress space as well as the corresponding nodal basis are established by characterizing a space of certain piecewise constant symmetric matrices on a patch around each edge. Macro-element techniques are used to define a stable interpolation to prove the discrete inf-sup condition. Optimal convergence is obtained theoretically.

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