Volume 8, Number 2
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Li Yang, Jing Wang, Meixia Zhang, Meiyu Zhao, Yumei Dai & Peng Song


J. At. Mol. Sci., 8 (2017), pp. 55-62.

Preview Full PDF 1887 21515 Abstract

Yong Ding, Rui Li, Yue Gao & Jing Shan


J. At. Mol. Sci., 8 (2017), pp. 63-69.

Preview Full PDF 1829 20858 Abstract

Jiyu Wang, Jing Wang, Caiqing Ma, Meixia Zhang, Yong Ding, Peng Song & Fengcai Ma


J. At. Mol. Sci., 8 (2017), pp. 70-74.

Preview Full PDF 2109 21569 Abstract

H.Y. Ma , L. Guo , Q. Guo & Y. Q. Li


J. At. Mol. Sci., 8 (2017), pp. 75-83.

Preview Full PDF 1823 20915 Abstract

Shiwei Wu, Yu liu, Jing Wang, Caiqing Ma, Yao Zhang & Lixin Xia


J. At. Mol. Sci., 8 (2017), pp. 84-87.

Preview Full PDF 1792 21402 Abstract

L. Guo, H.Y. Ma, W. Shi, L. L. Zhang, Y. Z. Song, Q. Guo & Y. Q. Li


J. At. Mol. Sci., 8 (2017), pp. 88-96.

Preview Full PDF 1763 20527 Abstract

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