Online First
A Selectively Relaxed Splitting Preconditioning Strategy for the Flux-Limited Multi-Group Radiation Diffusion Equations in Three Dimensions
Xiaoqiang Yue, Chenxi Zhang, Chunyan Chen, Xiaowen Xu and Shi Shu

East Asian J. Appl. Math. DOI: 10.4208/eajam.2023-185.301023

Publication Date : 2024-10-12

  • Abstract

This article is concerned with a matrix splitting preconditioning technique with two selective relaxations and algebraic multigrid subsolves for $(G+2)×(G+2)$ block-structured sparse linear systems derived from the three-dimensional flux-limited multi-group radiation diffusion equations, where $G$ is the number of photon energy groups. We introduce an easy-to-implement algebraic selection strategy for the sole contributing parameter, report a spectral analysis and investigate the degree of the minimal polynomial of its left and right preconditioned matrices, and discuss its sequential practical implementation together with the two-level parallelization. Experiments are run with the representative real-world unstructured capsule implosion test cases and it is found that the numerical robustness, computational efficiency and parallel scalability of the proposed preconditioner evaluated on the Tianhe-2A supercomputer with up to 2,816 processor cores are superior to some existing popular monolithic and block preconditioning approaches.

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