Volume 2, Issue 1
Interpolating Between BSDEs and PINNs: Deep Learning for Elliptic and Parabolic Boundary Value Problems

Nikolas Nüsken & Lorenz Richter

J. Mach. Learn. , 2 (2023), pp. 31-64.

Published online: 2023-03

Category: Theory

[An open-access article; the PDF is free to any online user.]

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  • Abstract

Solving high-dimensional partial differential equations is a recurrent challenge in economics, science and engineering. In recent years, a great number of computational approaches have been developed, most of them relying on a combination of Monte Carlo sampling and deep learning based approximation. For elliptic and parabolic problems, existing methods can broadly be classified into those resting on reformulations in terms of backward stochastic differential equations (BSDEs) and those aiming to minimize a regression-type $L^2$-error (physics-informed neural networks, PINNs). In this paper, we review the literature and suggest a methodology based on the novel diffusion loss that interpolates between BSDEs and PINNs. Our contribution opens the door towards a unified understanding of numerical approaches for high-dimensional PDEs, as well as for implementations that combine the strengths of BSDEs and PINNs. The diffusion loss furthermore bears close similarities to (least squares) temporal difference objectives found in reinforcement learning. We also discuss eigenvalue problems and perform extensive numerical studies, including calculations of the ground state for nonlinear Schrödinger operators and committor functions relevant in molecular dynamics.

  • General Summary

Solving high-dimensional partial differential equations is a recurrent challenge in economics, science and engineering. In recent years, a great number of computational approaches have been developed, most of them relying on a combination of randomization (Monte Carlo sampling) and deep learning based approximation. In this paper, we review the literature and suggest a methodology that interpolates between the two main existing paradigms (commonly referred to as bases on BSDEs and PINNs). Our contribution opens the door towards a unified understanding of numerical approaches for high-dimensional PDEs, as well as for implementations that combine the strengths of different algorithms. We also provide generalizations to eigenvalue problems and perform extensive numerical studies, including calculations of the ground state for nonlinear Schrödinger operators and committor functions relevant in molecular dynamics.

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COPYRIGHT: © Global Science Press

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@Article{JML-2-31, author = {Nüsken , Nikolas and Richter , Lorenz}, title = {Interpolating Between BSDEs and PINNs: Deep Learning for Elliptic and Parabolic Boundary Value Problems}, journal = {Journal of Machine Learning}, year = {2023}, volume = {2}, number = {1}, pages = {31--64}, abstract = {

Solving high-dimensional partial differential equations is a recurrent challenge in economics, science and engineering. In recent years, a great number of computational approaches have been developed, most of them relying on a combination of Monte Carlo sampling and deep learning based approximation. For elliptic and parabolic problems, existing methods can broadly be classified into those resting on reformulations in terms of backward stochastic differential equations (BSDEs) and those aiming to minimize a regression-type $L^2$-error (physics-informed neural networks, PINNs). In this paper, we review the literature and suggest a methodology based on the novel diffusion loss that interpolates between BSDEs and PINNs. Our contribution opens the door towards a unified understanding of numerical approaches for high-dimensional PDEs, as well as for implementations that combine the strengths of BSDEs and PINNs. The diffusion loss furthermore bears close similarities to (least squares) temporal difference objectives found in reinforcement learning. We also discuss eigenvalue problems and perform extensive numerical studies, including calculations of the ground state for nonlinear Schrödinger operators and committor functions relevant in molecular dynamics.

}, issn = {2790-2048}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.4208/jml.220416}, url = {http://global-sci.org/intro/article_detail/jml/21512.html} }
TY - JOUR T1 - Interpolating Between BSDEs and PINNs: Deep Learning for Elliptic and Parabolic Boundary Value Problems AU - Nüsken , Nikolas AU - Richter , Lorenz JO - Journal of Machine Learning VL - 1 SP - 31 EP - 64 PY - 2023 DA - 2023/03 SN - 2 DO - http://doi.org/10.4208/jml.220416 UR - https://global-sci.org/intro/article_detail/jml/21512.html KW - Numerical methods for PDEs, Backward stochastic differential equations, Physics informed neural networks, Deep learning. AB -

Solving high-dimensional partial differential equations is a recurrent challenge in economics, science and engineering. In recent years, a great number of computational approaches have been developed, most of them relying on a combination of Monte Carlo sampling and deep learning based approximation. For elliptic and parabolic problems, existing methods can broadly be classified into those resting on reformulations in terms of backward stochastic differential equations (BSDEs) and those aiming to minimize a regression-type $L^2$-error (physics-informed neural networks, PINNs). In this paper, we review the literature and suggest a methodology based on the novel diffusion loss that interpolates between BSDEs and PINNs. Our contribution opens the door towards a unified understanding of numerical approaches for high-dimensional PDEs, as well as for implementations that combine the strengths of BSDEs and PINNs. The diffusion loss furthermore bears close similarities to (least squares) temporal difference objectives found in reinforcement learning. We also discuss eigenvalue problems and perform extensive numerical studies, including calculations of the ground state for nonlinear Schrödinger operators and committor functions relevant in molecular dynamics.

Nikolas Nüsken & Lorenz Richter. (2023). Interpolating Between BSDEs and PINNs: Deep Learning for Elliptic and Parabolic Boundary Value Problems. Journal of Machine Learning. 2 (1). 31-64. doi:10.4208/jml.220416
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