@Article{IJNAMB-5-400, author = {FILIPE S. CAL, GONC ̧ ALO A. S. DIAS, AND JUHA H. VIDEMAN}, title = {Trapped Modes Around Freely Floating Bodies in Two-Layer Fluids.}, journal = {International Journal of Numerical Analysis Modeling Series B}, year = {2014}, volume = {5}, number = {4}, pages = {400--413}, abstract = {We consider the coupled system modeling the interaction of time-harmonic progres- sive water-waves with an array of three-dimensional freely oating obstacles in a two-layer uid. Presenting a variational and operator formulation for the problem and a condition guaranteeing the existence of trapped waves, we give a number of examples of oating structures supporting trapped waves. We also study how the problem parameters (density ratio, obstacle dimensions, layer depths and radian frequency) in uence the trapping condition.}, issn = {}, doi = {https://doi.org/}, url = {http://global-sci.org/intro/article_detail/ijnamb/242.html} }