@Article{NMTMA-16-433, author = {Li , ChangshiLiu , YuhuiWang , FengruYang , Jerry Zhijian and Yuan , Cheng}, title = {Absorbing Interface Conditions for the Simulation of Wave Propagation on Non-Uniform Meshes}, journal = {Numerical Mathematics: Theory, Methods and Applications}, year = {2023}, volume = {16}, number = {2}, pages = {433--452}, abstract = {
We proposed absorbing interface conditions for the simulation of linear wave propagation on non-uniform meshes. Based on the superposition principle of second-order linear wave equations, we decompose the interface condition problem into two subproblems around the interface: for the first one the conventional artificial absorbing boundary conditions is applied, while for the second one, the local analytic solutions can be derived. The proposed interface conditions permit a two-way transmission of low-frequency waves across mesh interfaces which can be supported by both coarse and fine meshes, and perform a one-way absorption of high-frequency waves which can only be supported by fine meshes when they travel from fine mesh regions to coarse ones. Numerical examples are presented to illustrate the efficiency of the proposed absorbing interface conditions.
}, issn = {2079-7338}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.4208/nmtma.OA-2022-0105}, url = {http://global-sci.org/intro/article_detail/nmtma/21584.html} }