@Article{JNMA-4-488, author = {Yan , Yuexin and Zhou , Zhengxin}, title = {The First Integrals and Related Properties of a Class of Quintic Systems with a Uniform Isochronous Center}, journal = {Journal of Nonlinear Modeling and Analysis}, year = {2022}, volume = {4}, number = {3}, pages = {488--501}, abstract = {
In this paper, we give all the first integrals of the quintic systems which have a uniform isochronous center, and use them to determine the qualitative behavior of the periodic solutions of their equivalent non-autonomous systems. Meanwhile, we clearly describe the local phase portraits of singularity at infinity.
}, issn = {2562-2862}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.12150/jnma.2022.488}, url = {http://global-sci.org/intro/article_detail/jnma/20720.html} }