@Article{AAMM-13-296, author = {Wang , Lei}, title = {A Kernel-Independent Treecode for General Rotne-Prager-Yamakawa Tensor}, journal = {Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics}, year = {2020}, volume = {13}, number = {2}, pages = {296--310}, abstract = {
A particle-cluster treecode based on barycentric Lagrange interpolation is presented for fast summation of hydrodynamic interactions through general Rotne-Prager-Yamakawa tensor in 3D. The interpolation nodes are taken to be Chebyshev points of the 2nd kind in each cluster. The barycentric Lagrange interpolation is scale-invariant that promotes the treecode's efficiency. Numerical results show that the treecode CPU time scales like $\mathcal{O}(N \log N)$, where $N$ is the number of beads in the system. The kernel-independent treecode is a relatively simple algorithm with low memory consumption, and this enables a straightforward OpenMP parallelization.
}, issn = {2075-1354}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.4208/aamm.OA-2019-0322}, url = {http://global-sci.org/intro/article_detail/aamm/18485.html} }