@Article{CMR-34-47, author = {Xiong , Zhen}, title = {One Parameter Deformation of Symmetric Toda Lattice Hierarchy}, journal = {Communications in Mathematical Research }, year = {2019}, volume = {34}, number = {1}, pages = {47--53}, abstract = {
In this paper, we study one parameter deformation of full symmetric Toda hierarchy. This deformation is induced by Hom-Lie algebras, or is the applications of Hom-Lie algebras. We mainly consider three kinds of deformations, and give solutions to deformations respectively under some conditions.
}, issn = {2707-8523}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.13447/j.1674-5647.2018.01.05}, url = {http://global-sci.org/intro/article_detail/cmr/13502.html} }