Gregory Lapicki
Department of Physics, East Carolina University, Greenville, NC 27858, USA
Research Interests:
Theoretical atomic physics.
Main Research Directions:
Inner-shell ionization and energy loss of charged particles in matter. Development and improvement of the ECPSSR theory of K-, L-, and M-shell ionization that is widely used for comparison with x-ray and Auger-electron production cross sections; in particular in PIXE analysis.
Editorial Boards:
Advanced Studies in Theoretical Physics
Selected publications:
- W. Brandt and G. Lapicki, L-shell Coulomb ionization by heavy charged particles, Phys. Rev. A 20, 465-479 (1979).
G. Lapicki and W. Losonsky Coulomb deflection in ion-atom collisions, Phys.Rev.A 20 , 481-490 (1979).
- G. Lapicki and F. D. McDaniel, Electron capture from K shells by fully stripped ions, Phys.Rev.A 22, 1896-1905 (1980).
- W. Brandt and G.Lapicki, Energy-loss effect in in inner shell Coulomb ionization by heavy charged particles, Phys.Rev.A 23, 1717-1729 (1981).
- G. Lapicki and W. Lichten, Reconciliation of atomoc- and molecular orbital models in slow and symmetric collisions, Phys.Rev.A 31, 1354-1361 (1985).
- G. Lapicki, Cross sections for K-shell x-ray production by hydrogen and helium ions, J.Phys.Chem. Data 18, 111-218 (1989).
- G. Lapicki, Testing of the ECPSSR theory and its modifications with ratios of antiproton-to-proton ionization cross sections, Nucl.Instr.Meth B 2141, 34-42 (2005).
- G. Lapicki, Scaling of analytical cross sections for K-shell ionization by nonrelativistic protons to cross sections by protons at relativistic velocities, J.Phys.B 41, 115201-115214 (2008).
- J. Miranda and G. Lapicki, Experimental cross sections for L-shell x-ray production and ionization by protons, At. Data.Nucl.Data Tables 100, 651-780 (2014).
- M. Czarnota, D. Banaś, J. Braziewicz, J. Semaniak, M. Pajek, M. Jaskóła, A. Korman, D. Trautmann, W. Kretschmer, G. Lapicki, and T. Mukoyama, "X-ray study of M-shell ionization of heavy atoms by 8.0-35.2 Mev Oq+ ions: The role of multiple ionization effects", Phys.Rev. A 79, 032710-032724 (2009).
- L.C. Phinney, J.L. Duggan, G. Lapicki, F.U. Nabb, K. Hossain, and F.D. McDaniel, "Thorium and uranium M-shell x-ray production by 0.4-4.0 Mev protons and 0.4-6.0 Mev helium ions", J.Phys. B 42, 085202-085210 (2009).
- G. Lapicki, "Evaluation of cross sections for Lα x-ray production by up to 4 MeV protons in representative elements from silver to uranium", J. Phys. B 42 , 145204-145214. (2009).
- D. Mitra, M. Sarkar, D. Bhattacharya, S. Santra, A. C. Mandal, G. Lapicki, "Lower and upper bounds on M-shell X-ray production cross sections by heavy ions", Nucl. Instr. Meth. B 268 450-459 (2010).
- G. Lapicki and J. Miranda, "Updated database for L x-ray production by protons and extraction of L-subshell ionization cross sections from only L γ and L α + L β cross sections" , X-Ray Spectrometry 40, 122-126 (2011).
- L.C. Phinney, G. Lapicki, D.L. Weathers, F.U. Naab, J.L. Duggan, and F.D. McDaniel "Thorium and uranium M-shell x-ray production cross sections by 4.5-11.3 MeV carbon ion and 4.5-13.5 MeV oxygen ion bombardment", J.Phys. B 45, 035205-035213 (2012).
- J. Miranda and G. Lapicki, "Experimental cross sections for L-shell x-ray production and ionization by protons", At.DataNucl.DataTables, 100 , 651-780 (2014).
- G. Lapicki, "Werner Brandt legacy to PIXE: Past and present ", Nucl. Instr. Meth. B 318. 6-10 (2014).
- D. D. Cohen, E. Stelcer, J. Crawford, A. Atanacio, C. Doherty, and G. Lapicki, "Comparison of proton and helium induced M subshell x-ray production cross sections with the ECUSAR theory", Nucl. Instr. Meth. B 318, 11-14 (2014).
- Ž. Smit and G. Lapicki, "Energy loss in the ECPSSR theory and its calculation with exact integration limits", J. Phys. B 47, 055203-055210 (2014).
- G. Lapicki, "Analytical formulas for differential cross sections for ejection of electrons in ionization of water by protons in the PWBA and ECPSSR", J. Phys.Conf.Series 635, 022015 (2015).
- S. Kumar, U. Singh, M. Oswal, G. Singh, N. Singh, D. Mitra, T. Nandi, G. Lapicki, "L shell x-ray production in high-Z elements using 4-6 MeV/u fluorine ions", Nucl. Instr. Meth. B 395 39-51 (2017).