Volume 1, Number 1
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CSIAM Trans. Appl. Math., 1 (2020), pp. 0-0.

Preview Full PDF 3461 42618 Abstract

Tianheng Chen & Chi-Wang Shu


CSIAM Trans. Appl. Math., 1 (2020), pp. 1-52.

Preview Full PDF 4406 71106 Abstract

Yanfei Wang, Alexander S. Leonov, Dmitry V. Lukyanenko & Anatoly G. Yagola


CSIAM Trans. Appl. Math., 1 (2020), pp. 53-85.

Preview Full PDF 3777 45874 Abstract

Michael Winkler & Yuan Lou


CSIAM Trans. Appl. Math., 1 (2020), pp. 86-103.

Preview Full PDF 3498 43371 Abstract

Chen Liu & Béatrice Rivière


CSIAM Trans. Appl. Math., 1 (2020), pp. 104-141.

Preview Full PDF 3821 46334 Abstract

T. Sogabe, A. Suzuki & S.-L. Zhang


CSIAM Trans. Appl. Math., 1 (2020), pp. 142-154.

Preview Full PDF 3294 43462 Abstract

Qiang Du, Xiantao Li & Liming Yuan


CSIAM Trans. Appl. Math., 1 (2020), pp. 155-185.

Preview Full PDF 3448 43880 Abstract

Chuansai Zhou, Wen Yuan, Jun Wang, Haiyong Xu, Yong Jiang, Xinmin Wang, Qiuzi Han Wen & Pingwen Zhang


CSIAM Trans. Appl. Math., 1 (2020), pp. 186-206.

Preview Full PDF 4203 68571 Abstract

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