Volume 17, Issue 2
A Fast Compact Block-Centered Finite Difference Method on Graded Meshes for Time-Fractional Reaction-Diffusion Equations and Its Robust Analysis

Li Ma, Hongfei Fu, Bingyin Zhang & Shusen Xie

Numer. Math. Theor. Meth. Appl., 17 (2024), pp. 429-462.

Published online: 2024-05

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  • Abstract

In this article, an $α$-th $(0 < α < 1)$ order time-fractional reaction-diffusion equation with variably diffusion coefficient and initial weak singularity is considered. Combined with the fast $L1$ time-stepping method on graded temporal meshes, we develop and analyze a fourth-order compact block-centered finite difference (BCFD) method. By utilizing the discrete complementary convolution kernels and the $α$-robust fractional Grönwall inequality, we rigorously prove the $α$-robust unconditional stability of the developed fourth-order compact BCFD method whether for positive or negative reaction terms. Optimal sharp error estimates for both the primal variable and its flux are simultaneously derived and carefully analyzed. Finally, numerical examples are given to validate the efficiency and accuracy of the developed method.

  • AMS Subject Headings

35R11, 65M06, 65M12

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COPYRIGHT: © Global Science Press

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@Article{NMTMA-17-429, author = {Ma , LiFu , HongfeiZhang , Bingyin and Xie , Shusen}, title = {A Fast Compact Block-Centered Finite Difference Method on Graded Meshes for Time-Fractional Reaction-Diffusion Equations and Its Robust Analysis}, journal = {Numerical Mathematics: Theory, Methods and Applications}, year = {2024}, volume = {17}, number = {2}, pages = {429--462}, abstract = {

In this article, an $α$-th $(0 < α < 1)$ order time-fractional reaction-diffusion equation with variably diffusion coefficient and initial weak singularity is considered. Combined with the fast $L1$ time-stepping method on graded temporal meshes, we develop and analyze a fourth-order compact block-centered finite difference (BCFD) method. By utilizing the discrete complementary convolution kernels and the $α$-robust fractional Grönwall inequality, we rigorously prove the $α$-robust unconditional stability of the developed fourth-order compact BCFD method whether for positive or negative reaction terms. Optimal sharp error estimates for both the primal variable and its flux are simultaneously derived and carefully analyzed. Finally, numerical examples are given to validate the efficiency and accuracy of the developed method.

}, issn = {2079-7338}, doi = { }, url = {} }
TY - JOUR T1 - A Fast Compact Block-Centered Finite Difference Method on Graded Meshes for Time-Fractional Reaction-Diffusion Equations and Its Robust Analysis AU - Ma , Li AU - Fu , Hongfei AU - Zhang , Bingyin AU - Xie , Shusen JO - Numerical Mathematics: Theory, Methods and Applications VL - 2 SP - 429 EP - 462 PY - 2024 DA - 2024/05 SN - 17 DO - UR - KW - Time-fractional reaction-diffusion equation, compact BCFD method, fast $L1$ method, $α$-robust unconditional stability, error estimates. AB -

In this article, an $α$-th $(0 < α < 1)$ order time-fractional reaction-diffusion equation with variably diffusion coefficient and initial weak singularity is considered. Combined with the fast $L1$ time-stepping method on graded temporal meshes, we develop and analyze a fourth-order compact block-centered finite difference (BCFD) method. By utilizing the discrete complementary convolution kernels and the $α$-robust fractional Grönwall inequality, we rigorously prove the $α$-robust unconditional stability of the developed fourth-order compact BCFD method whether for positive or negative reaction terms. Optimal sharp error estimates for both the primal variable and its flux are simultaneously derived and carefully analyzed. Finally, numerical examples are given to validate the efficiency and accuracy of the developed method.

Li Ma, Hongfei Fu, Bingyin Zhang & Shusen Xie. (2024). A Fast Compact Block-Centered Finite Difference Method on Graded Meshes for Time-Fractional Reaction-Diffusion Equations and Its Robust Analysis. Numerical Mathematics: Theory, Methods and Applications. 17 (2). 429-462. doi:10.4208/nmtma.OA-2023-0108
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